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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (955)


Future News - Twitter update with Giselle Bisson, Adopt an Embryo, Kennedy Assassination Anniversary, Thanksgiving Mayflower Revelations with Connie Baxter Marlow and Andrew Cameron Bailey 

Listen Now to Future News Thanksgiving Show 11.22.2022

Happy Thanksgiving dear listeners, we hope you and yours are enjoying the holiday.  Still on our Keto regime, we will not be stuffing our faces as much as usual, but still…it should be good!  We have in studio guests today Bruce McHenry and Gisselle Bisson, helping us dissect the latest in the Twitterverse, and online we speak with Connie Baxter Marlow and Andrew Cameron Bailey about the first Thanksgiving, a celebrated event that has been greatly misunderstood in these days of Woke culture.Connie and Andrew speak of how the original Pilgrims lived in peace and friendship with the Natives for over 50 years! An amazing story, discussed in their book, The Mayflower Revelations, they show how there was a synthesis with the Native Americans that gave birth to the American mind, spirit and democracy!.  Enjoy!

Dr.Mrs. Future with in studio guests Gisselle Bisson and Bruce McHenry


Future News - Artemis Ho! Secret X37B Lands, Dirty White Dwarfs, Google Pays $392 Million for Privacy Violations, Nordic Dave on private aviation, Greg and Richard on the $10 Million Robot X-Prize, Gabrielle on Mushrooms and Coffee 

Listen Now to Future News 11.15.2022

A fun show today with special reports on private aviation, the Robot X-Prize, and mushrooms with coffee. In Space News we are excited to see that Artemis is finally launching, yeah!  And lets thank the Dirty polluted White Dwarf Stars for giving us our solar system..Also, Greg Panos and Richard Cray report on their observations of the current Robotic X-Prize, pushing robots to new frontiers of performance, and Gabrielle Cianfrani shares with us her research and development of a new mushroom product that plays well with coffee in reducing stress and anxiety.  And Marsha, oh Marsha..calling about mushroom from her treehouse in the redwood fun! Enjoy!!


Future News - NASA Missions update, Billboards in Space, Hearing Earth's Magnetic Field, New Twitter, COP27 update, Red Hydrogen vs Lithium Ion Power

NASA has never been one to not have a few good missions unfolding, not the least of which is the Artemis space ship and it’s trip to the moon next week.  And then there’s the Lunar Flashlight..On the moon, we must find…water!!  And what better to find it with than a special ‘flashlight.’  
And then we have the first sonification of our planet’s massive magnetic field; where we can listen to the beautiful aurora borealis, solar flares hitting the field, and other Gaian electro-magnetic phenomena.  And since we are paying attention to the Earth, consider that COP 27 is happening this week, where the health of the planet is under scrutiny. 
For the future of power, the race is heating up towards electrification of energy or the use of hydrogen, the most plentiful element in the universe. Much progress is being had in both building better batteries and in the use of hydrogen. A promising trajectory is not just Greeen Hydrogen from solar electrolysis,  but now Red Hydrogen, where high temperatures generated by the excess heat of nuclear reactors can cheaply create the gas from water. Wow, enjoy!

Dr.Mrs. Future Show - Space News, Detecting Massive Methane Leaks on Earth, Twitter and Real Freedom of Speech Now

Listen Now to Dr. Mrs. Future Show  11.01.2022 Free Speech

The first hour has lots of space news, with the launch of the Falcon Heavy launching top secret Space Force sats on board, detecting asteroids when in the glare of the sun, discovering water at the Martian equator, revealing the major Earth methane super-emitters from detectors on the ISS, and tentacle robots for dexterity.

The second hour was more about issues surrounding freedom of speech, with lots of call-ins, and discussion of Elon Musk’s take over of Twitter, and the related Pelosi incident in SF.  How we actually practice freedom of speech was a big part of the discussion, including the freedom to be racist, given maximum respect to others.  We also discuss the new freedom of expression allowed by having many more sources of news and response than ever before, thanks to the internet. Enjoy!


Dr. Mrs. Future Show - NASA UAP Investigation, India's Eclipse Spirituality, JWST Pillars of Creation, Australia's Atomic Legacy 

This was a very popular call-in show, in which we discussed with our listeners the topics of the day, including NASA’s new science committee to investigate UAPs, the spirituality of the solar eclipse in India today, the James West Space Telescope’s amazing imaging of the stellar nursery, “The Pillars of Creation,” growing living animals in an artificial womb, new forms of alternative energy via a startup incubator, the Celestine Prophecy, brain uploads, and…
October 25, 2022 Eclipse over Mumbai, India
We interview our popular caller from Australia, Sean, about the very controversial atomic bomb tests over Australia, back in the 1950’s, and the role they played in forming the Pavlovian programming of today’s mass consciousness down under. He recommended seeing the documentary “Silent Storm,” on this topic, currently available for free on Kanopy.  Enjoy!