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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (954)


Future Now - Balloon Baloney, Faking AI Art, Sun breaks off part of Northern Pole, Leonardo's Gravity Experiments, Where in Space is the Tesla?, ChatGPT Competition Heats Up! 

Listen to Future Now with Al/Sun & Bobby 2.14.2023

Hi folks, welcome back! We have just made the transition from KSCO to Santa Cruz Voice, and are still  in the process of setting up the new studio. Hence, few breaks for news, traffic, ads, etc., at least at this point. We expect you will see improved production values as we move forward with our transition. Meanwhile, I think you’ll enjoy this week’s offerings of future news and will appreciate our analysis of the balloon shoot downs of late, what a fiasco! And the Sun itself breaking off a piece, are you kidding? Reminds of a joke newscaster saying, “Earth Cracks in Half, Details at 11!” Only in this case, its real, and we can prove it! Enjoy..



Future Now - Storm recovery update with Jim Rintoul, Conversations with Bob "free energy" Leff, and psychic/healer Donna Hale.

Future Now Update 1.23.2023

Life is still quite chaotic for us, much storm damage still to deal with, at both the beach and country houses.  Jim Rintoul in our recovery effortsFortunately we have a community of friends that have come to our aid, for which we are very grateful.  For those interested in some of the details of recovery, our first 10 minutes of today’s 30 minute show are dedicated to those adventures. The rest of the show is more Dr. Future material, though more personal than usual, with our guests Bob ‘free energy’ Leff and his psychic/healer bride, Donna Hale.  Our conversations range from reality as a hologram, to debating the meaning of oneness, being Sun, and electromagnetics and biology.  Enjoy!

L-R Al Lundell, Donna Hale, Bob Leff, Sun Lundell


Future Now - Stormy Weather, Surviving the Surge 

Listen Now to FutureNow 1.10.23

Our first audio since being on KSCO, we have survived the storm of the century and have tales to tell! The first week of 2023 had been particularly rough weather-wise for the Bay Area especially with three ‘bomb cyclone’ storms, back-to-back!  Stories from both the beachfront and the Santa Cruz Mountains, where mudslides, fallen trees and high winds have been very busy. Want to know what happenening with us? Click here. Enjoy! 


Future News and Views - Final KSCO show, guests include Bruce Erickson, Free Energy Bob, Donna Hale, Taylor Barcroft, Bobby Wilder, Lance and Lyndia, Master Now, Jia Patton, and the Invisible Frogs 

Listen Now to the Last Dr. Future Show on KSCO 12.27.2022

Hosting the Dr.Mrs. Future Show for 12 years has been quite a journey and an honor to share with you, our esteemed listeners and fans. Some of our favoritie guests and fans arrived at the KSCO studio for the final show, and what can I say? It’s a party! Despite the chaos a party might suggest, we nonetheless, rose to the occassion and created a wonderful show for all of you to enjoy, including our thoughts on the best stories of 2022, and what to look forward to in the Future! We love all, enjoy the show, and.. Bye for now..

L-R Louie the Dog, Taylor Barcroft, Donna Hale, Free Energy Bob, Sun (Mrs. Future), Al (Dr. Future) BIlly Graff, Bruce Erickson, Jim Rintoul.  photo credit: Sue Rintoul


Future News and Views - Quake Detection from Orbit, Marsquake update, New Earth Discoveries, Schroom Ologies, Bobby's hot Cold Tips, ChatGPT test, Speeding up the Singularity,

Quaking and shaking before the holidays?  Only up North, but our early warning earthquake detector did wake us up at 2:30 a.m. to let us know to “Drop, Cover, and Hold on!!” Nothing happened, at least in our county. But it did get us thinking about quakes, early detection, and the Insight Lander, our seismometer on Mars, and the massive 4.7 quake it registered before the lander’s batteries died from the Martian dust covering its solar panels.
What new and exciting this week is the rollout of ChatGPT, an AI powered search engine on steroids that just might set the direction for future internet searches and explorations. We and some listeners try some queries, both scientific and poetic, to see how this latest tool performs. We are impressed! One caller is worried that our explorations may speed up the arrival of the mysterious “Singularity.” We, however, are unafraid, as we believe that there is only one oneness.  Enjoy!