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Entries in health (8)


84 Future Now Show - Mystery Orbs Swarm Air Force Bases, De-extinction of Tasmanian Tiger, Nanoparticle Infusion Therapy, Com Sat strangely breaks up, Laser Defense update, C-Section/Natural Birthing Experiences

Listen to 84 Future Now

Once again we have Gabriel Cianfrani in studio with us to comment on this week’s stories.  We think you’ll enjoy her presence, especially her personal birthing stories.  We also have the Larry and Mary AI’s commenting on a breaking story about a massive asteroid that contributed to life on Earth 3 billion years ago.  This is also the week of UFO/UAP Disclosure via the New Paradigm Institute, where we discuss the latest incursion of 20 foot orbs into the air space of Air Force bases, where you might think they would have some security from these purportedly alien craft.

Space Junk Orbiting the Earth..Mark Garlick/Getty Images

There is also some progress in the development of laser beam defense systems, such as Iron Beam protecting Israel, which could obsolete ballistic missiles in warfare. And then there is the mystery of a major communications satellite that has mysteriously broken up into 20 pieces.  We also discuss the latest in de-extinction experiments and the evolution of natural childbirth, based on personal experiences by Gabriel. We had a lot of fun today, which I think you’ll enjoy!

Al, Gabs and Sun in the Aptosian Studio


39 Future Now Show - Interview - Alexandra Johnson, M.D. - on Breema, bringing harmony into each moment

Listen Now to Alexandra Johnson, M.D. on BREEMA

We had an opportunity this week to learn about and experience  this modernized ancient practice of Breema, thanks to Dr. Alexandra Johnson, at her clinic in Santa Cruz, CA. In our current divisive war-ridden climate, Breema is a relatively simple yet profound practice of being present, in the moment, in a high state of harmony with oneself, and hence the world. The awareness that the inner world reflects the outer, the microcosm is the macrocosm, As Above So Below, and non-dual states of contemplation all touch on the same principals of consciousness, where our body, mind, and feelings are in harmony with each other.

Alexandra R. Johnson, MD, is trained in Family Medicine at the University of Colorado, with a fellowship in obstetrics. Throughout her medical career, her emphasis has been on finding simple and meaningful paths to optimal health. She served as teaching faculty for the University of Colorado and Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia, worked at a refugee clinic in rural Colorado, and is a specialist in developing physician wellness curricula. Her work focuses not only on improving immediate symptoms of illness, but on developing a connection to the body that supports insight into how our unconscious conditioning affects our health.

Dr. Johnson has used Breema‘s universal principles extensively in both prenatal care and labor to cultivate an open, nurturing environment in which great transformation can take place.  I think you’ll enjoy our interview with her and come away with some practical tools for your own practice. Enjoy!

L-R Al Lundell, Alexandra Johnson, Sun Lundell at Breema clinc in Santa Cruz


Future Now Show - Quake Predictor, Organics in Asteroid, eband-aid healing, Interview - Sierra Hooshiari on Brain Pop, her healthy soda, Walter Russell download, Carl Sagan rap mix. 

Is there really any way of predicting Earthquakes? We’ve recently become aware of Stefan Burns, who has worked as a geologist/geophysicist in NorCal.  He has been paying attention to shifts in the readings of earth magnetometers, especially in the low frequency realms, such as 0-50 Hz. He has been noticing power increases in the Schuman resonances, and that these increases may be correlated with pre-earthquake activity.  This is especially of interest to us, as one of the closest earth magnetomenters to us shgowing increased activity is located in our home town of Boulder Creek, at the Heart Math Institute, and less than 20 miles from the infamous San Andreas Fault!
Our interview is with New Age Drinks founder Sierra Hooshiari, a survivor of a serious brain concussion that had put her in a coma for days. In her years long recovery from this trauma, she explored what brain chemicals were essential to her health, and formulated a soft drink incorporating much of what she learned. We think you’ll enjoy hearing her story..  For more info, goto TikTok@BrainpopRelax and Instagram @brainpopdrink @drinkbrainpop. Website is
Sierra Hooshiari, founder of New Age Drinks
Also in this episode we speak with tribal story teller Jahn Ballard about the life of Walter Russell, renaissance scientist/artist of the 20th century and the Twilight Club, a consortium of influential thinkers, poets, and businessmen, including Mark Twain, and Andrew Carnegie.  This is a chapter in American history not really well known but strangely relevant to today’s challenges.
We finish with a musical remix featuring a cosmic rap by none other than Carl Sagan! Enjoy..
Our video of Walter Russell and the Twilight Club Story by Jahn Ballard

Future News and Views - New Covid treatments Ivermectin, antibodies, RPI-27 explored,Dragon splashes down into history, Amazon's Kuiper Satellite Constellation, Prem Ashoka with wisdom stories for our times  

Listen Now to Future News and Views 8.4.2020

This week we catch you up-to-date with news on some new Covid-19 treatment modalities, with our science correspondent Bobby Wilder and wholistic health practitioner, Dr. Dan Beilin. Conversation includes updates on hydroxycloroquine, the 40 year-old anti-parasitic anti-viral drug, Ivermectin,  the promising antibody research of Dr. Jacob Glanville, and a seaweed extract, RPI-27, often used in sushi.   

On Space News this week we cover the splashdown of the Dragon capsule with astronauts on board, Amazon’s new space-based communication network, and Virgin Galactic’s new Mach 3 supersonic passenger plane.

And for your psycho-spiritual well-being, we introduce you to Prem Ashoka, a local Santa Cruz wise elder, who shares with us his mind-blowing shakti experience that put him on his spirtual path. Enjoy!

Prem Ashoka - Santa Cruz Wisdom Story Teller



Future News Now - Community wisdom weighs in with tips and techniques on maintaining maximal immune health

As we all hunker down for the viral pandemic sweeping the globe, many of our listeners come forth with useful tips and methods of maintaining optimal immune system health and well being. Classic flu busting techniques like salty water sinus cleaning, Vitamin D3,  colloidal silver and peppermint, baking soda for shifting the body’s pH, to use of UV lights, ozone generators, micronutrient food supplementation, collostrum, medicinal coffee and tea, organic home gardening, and DIY ventilators are all discussed. 
Our guests include Bobby Wilder in SF, Gabriel Cianfrani in NJ, Stephanie Fisher in FL, and Dan Bielin in Aptos, CA. Plus a host of amazing callers. Thanks all for being part of today’s show!
Maximizing Immune Health