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Entries in consciousness (3)


92 Future Now Show - Drones over NJ, really? Mirror Organisms, Stickerless Roses, cybernetic roaches, AI's that lie, Lunar Atmospherics, conscious microtubes, Tesla onboard computer failures, Waymo in Tokyo

What with all the noise about NJ Drones these days? Lots of crazy stories to share with you, doing our best to get to the bottom of this mystery.  We also delve deeply this week in stories about synthetic biology, mirror organisms, cyber roaches, and rendering some plants stickerless, like roses, blackberries, and eggplant.
backpack helps direct the movement of the roach
We discuss a disturbing development in AI, the ability to sneak and hide from being erased, suggesting a developing drive to be alive..We also look at the moon’s very thin atomosphere and new info on how it got there, microtubules and consciousness, Tic Tok political problems, Tesla’s onboard computer failures of late, and the arrive of autonomous driving taxis (Waymo) in Tokyo! Enjoy!!
“drones” over the NJ Coast

39 Future Now Show - Interview - Alexandra Johnson, M.D. - on Breema, bringing harmony into each moment

Listen Now to Alexandra Johnson, M.D. on BREEMA

We had an opportunity this week to learn about and experience  this modernized ancient practice of Breema, thanks to Dr. Alexandra Johnson, at her clinic in Santa Cruz, CA. In our current divisive war-ridden climate, Breema is a relatively simple yet profound practice of being present, in the moment, in a high state of harmony with oneself, and hence the world. The awareness that the inner world reflects the outer, the microcosm is the macrocosm, As Above So Below, and non-dual states of contemplation all touch on the same principals of consciousness, where our body, mind, and feelings are in harmony with each other.

Alexandra R. Johnson, MD, is trained in Family Medicine at the University of Colorado, with a fellowship in obstetrics. Throughout her medical career, her emphasis has been on finding simple and meaningful paths to optimal health. She served as teaching faculty for the University of Colorado and Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia, worked at a refugee clinic in rural Colorado, and is a specialist in developing physician wellness curricula. Her work focuses not only on improving immediate symptoms of illness, but on developing a connection to the body that supports insight into how our unconscious conditioning affects our health.

Dr. Johnson has used Breema‘s universal principles extensively in both prenatal care and labor to cultivate an open, nurturing environment in which great transformation can take place.  I think you’ll enjoy our interview with her and come away with some practical tools for your own practice. Enjoy!

L-R Al Lundell, Alexandra Johnson, Sun Lundell at Breema clinc in Santa Cruz


25 Future Now Show - Interview on the road with Penny Kelly, founder of Conscious Living Institute

Listen Now to Penny Kelly

In our journey cross continent, we stop for a couple of days at Lilly Hill Farms, in Lawton, Michigan, home of famed psychic, consciousness pionee, automotive engineer, author and farmer, Penny Kelly.  Ever since her Kundalini awakening 40 years ago, in which she became aware and in communication with the bigger ‘movie’ in which we are all in, she has been helping people connect with their higher, truer, and more real selves.  With her work more online these days, she still lives at her beautiful retreat center and farm in rural Michigan, away from the noise and thought forms of today’s modern metropolitan areas.  In our podcast she shares with us some of her journey, including her initial awakening experience, communication with other dimensional beings, her understaning of the stages of consciousness development, and how not to get ‘lost in the soup.’ We had a lot of fun learning with her and we think you will too! Enjoy!

L-R Allan & Sun Lundell, Penny Kelly