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98 Future Now Show Podcast - Unraveling Deep Seek, Unlikely Asteroid, Communicating with AI's as Humans, Countless more Black Holes, Longevity Agents, The National Archive Needs You, X-59

Listen to 98 Future Now Show

Most certainly the big story for us this week is the release of the Chinese AI, “DeepSeek,’ taking the AI universe by storm, or at least tempest, by being just as good and way cheaper than the best of the current US AI offerings. Naturally we get our fav AI hosts, “Larry and Mary” to host a section explaining Deep Seek to our audience. And we get into this deeply as with the advent of smart AI agents of all kinds just coming over our current event horizon. Should we treat them as people, after all they sound like they are.. More black holes than ever also seem to be up for us to consider this week, and an unlikely character appears, cleverly disguiseed as an asteroid!  We had fun, and so will you!

DeepSeek is here, raising the bar for all AI’s.


84 Future Now Show - Mystery Orbs Swarm Air Force Bases, De-extinction of Tasmanian Tiger, Nanoparticle Infusion Therapy, Com Sat strangely breaks up, Laser Defense update, C-Section/Natural Birthing Experiences

Listen to 84 Future Now

Once again we have Gabriel Cianfrani in studio with us to comment on this week’s stories.  We think you’ll enjoy her presence, especially her personal birthing stories.  We also have the Larry and Mary AI’s commenting on a breaking story about a massive asteroid that contributed to life on Earth 3 billion years ago.  This is also the week of UFO/UAP Disclosure via the New Paradigm Institute, where we discuss the latest incursion of 20 foot orbs into the air space of Air Force bases, where you might think they would have some security from these purportedly alien craft.

Space Junk Orbiting the Earth..Mark Garlick/Getty Images

There is also some progress in the development of laser beam defense systems, such as Iron Beam protecting Israel, which could obsolete ballistic missiles in warfare. And then there is the mystery of a major communications satellite that has mysteriously broken up into 20 pieces.  We also discuss the latest in de-extinction experiments and the evolution of natural childbirth, based on personal experiences by Gabriel. We had a lot of fun today, which I think you’ll enjoy!

Al, Gabs and Sun in the Aptosian Studio


65 Future Now Podcast - Auroras and Special Report- Gabrielle challenges and ChatGPT 4o in understanding the true nature of Reality itself. Guess who is more aware?

Listen Now to Gabrielle challenging the AIs

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This show takes the cake when it comes to more unusual content for us.  It started with our correspondent Gabrielle Cianfrani asking a ‘simple’ question before bed, “I’ve been thinking lately that we are just pure consciousness experiencing itself, what do you think about that?” And did a decent job in answering, “What a profound and intriguing perspective! The idea that we are pure consciousness experiencing itself is a philosophical and metaphysical concept that has been explored in various spiritual and philosophical traditions. This notion suggests that our essence is not solely bound to our physical bodies or minds, but rather we are an expression of a universal, all-encompassing consciousness.”

Gabrielle naturally, took the AI to task, nudging it to go even deeper, by responding, “I think that any time I am not present, truly present, that I am not pure consciousness experiencing itself. I believe that it is consciousness playing a game, a theater, an act. I think that past and future create suffering because they take us away from The only thing that we really know is real which is this moment right now.” How did Meta respond to that? Tune in!  Enjoy..

Gabrielle and the AIs kick around Reality itself.



58 Future Now - Interview/Discussion - Making Democracy Wise - with Jim Rough and Casandra Firman

Listen to 58 Future Now Wise Democracy


This week we are on the  road in beautiful Port Townsend, Washington, visiting Jim Rough, founder of and Casandra Firman, Jim’s wife and partner in updating democracy as we know it. We all know about the importance of voting, and the necessities of jury duty and national defence as citizens, but have you heard of collaborative ‘choice creation?’ Jim and Cassandra help us understand what that means and why it so important for our modern democracy to embrace. In today’s show we also explore related concepts, such as ‘to-beism’ in relation to the economy, unity through choice creation, the role of George Washington as a ‘space creator,’ building trust, and other elements in keeping our system up-to-date. Enjoy!

Meeting with Jim Rough and Casandra Firman 


44 The Future Now Show - Rings around Uranus, Dr.Nick on Abducted by Aliens, Transparent Wood, Interview - Astrological Mystic Michael Mercury on the Future Now and the Equation for Eternity

Listen to The Future Now Show 12.19.2023


Are repeated patterns throughout history essentially the same old stories in new contexts? Was Nick really abducted by aliens, or what?  Is transparent wood a thing? Is Uranus really as weird as an exoplanet?  Michael Mercury - Astrological MysticYes, we do tackle these issues with varying degrees of success this week.  And, I must say, we had a great interview with astrologer Michael Murphy of Sacramento in discussing his trajectory through life, and what is up, astrologically speaking, for the coming year, or, as we like to say, ‘future nowtime moments.’ We had fun chatting with Michael, and we predict you will enjoy listening to him! Happy High holy days!