44 The Future Now Show - Rings around Uranus, Dr.Nick on Abducted by Aliens, Transparent Wood, Interview - Astrological Mystic Michael Mercury on the Future Now and the Equation for Eternity

Listen to The Future Now Show 12.19.2023
Are repeated patterns throughout history essentially the same old stories in new contexts? Was Nick really abducted by aliens, or what? Is transparent wood a thing? Is Uranus really as weird as an exoplanet? Michael Mercury - Astrological MysticYes, we do tackle these issues with varying degrees of success this week. And, I must say, we had a great interview with astrologer Michael Murphy of Sacramento in discussing his trajectory through life, and what is up, astrologically speaking, for the coming year, or, as we like to say, ‘future nowtime moments.’ We had fun chatting with Michael, and we predict you will enjoy listening to him! Happy High holy days!