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Entries in Tesla (4)


98 Future Now Show Podcast - Unraveling Deep Seek, Unlikely Asteroid, Communicating with AI's as Humans, Countless more Black Holes, Longevity Agents, The National Archive Needs You, X-59

Listen to 98 Future Now Show

Most certainly the big story for us this week is the release of the Chinese AI, “DeepSeek,’ taking the AI universe by storm, or at least tempest, by being just as good and way cheaper than the best of the current US AI offerings. Naturally we get our fav AI hosts, “Larry and Mary” to host a section explaining Deep Seek to our audience. And we get into this deeply as with the advent of smart AI agents of all kinds just coming over our current event horizon. Should we treat them as people, after all they sound like they are.. More black holes than ever also seem to be up for us to consider this week, and an unlikely character appears, cleverly disguiseed as an asteroid!  We had fun, and so will you!

DeepSeek is here, raising the bar for all AI’s.


Future News - Space X Mystery Deepens, New Jupiter Pics, Uber and Tesla Autonomous Updates, iPhone 7 Considerations

Listen Now to Future News 09-13-2016

What is going on with the Space X Falcon 9 Explosion?  What was the heat source for the ignition? Musk is reaching out to the public to see if there is any more information about that disastrous event..Meanwhile new pics of Jupiter have ermerged, and Uber has autonomous cars out in the wild! Enjoy..


Dr. Future News - Autonomous Tesla plans, Internet 2050, New Jetpack, Apple wins in House, Imagination Origins 

Listen Now to Dr. Future News 9.24.13

 Some great stories this week, including a piece from SciAm on how the Internet is getting smarter and will make the borders of the 20th Century obsolete.

We also had a surprise visit from the KSCO’s fearless leader, MZ, with a couple of visitors from the outside:




Mad Like Tesla - Interview with journalist Tyler Hamilton on his new book about alt energy mavericks and their 'mad' projects.

Listen to “Mad Like Tesla” interview now

Energy tech reporter for Canada’s largest newspaper, the Toronto Star, Tyler takes us on a wild ride through the alternative energy world of innovative mavericks- interesting people with plans and companies to harness the power of tornados, hot fusion, warm algae, solar energy from space, strange hydrino particles, and more..all chronicled in his new book, “Mad Like Tesla.”   (Interview by Al Lundell aka ‘Dr. Future’)