58 Future Now - Interview/Discussion - Making Democracy Wise - with Jim Rough and Casandra Firman

Listen to 58 Future Now Wise Democracy
This week we are on the road in beautiful Port Townsend, Washington, visiting Jim Rough, founder of www.wisedemocracy.org and Casandra Firman, Jim’s wife and partner in updating democracy as we know it. We all know about the importance of voting, and the necessities of jury duty and national defence as citizens, but have you heard of collaborative ‘choice creation?’ Jim and Cassandra help us understand what that means and why it so important for our modern democracy to embrace. In today’s show we also explore related concepts, such as ‘to-beism’ in relation to the economy, unity through choice creation, the role of George Washington as a ‘space creator,’ building trust, and other elements in keeping our system up-to-date. Enjoy!