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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (955)


Dr.Mrs. Future Show -Gamma BOAT Burster, Black Hole Burper, Ipad. AppleTV announcements, Spinlaunch success, fantastic aerial feats, asteroid mysteriously spinning faster, centrifugal coffee maker debuts.  

Listen Now to Dr.Mrs. Future Show 10.18.2022

 With special in-studio guest, Gabriel Cianfrani, today’s show starts off with a ‘burst,’ as look into the powerful gamma ray burster that lit up our skies earlier this month.  Considered huge, it was nicknammed “BOAT,” the ‘Biggest Of All Time’. We are fortunate that it happened in a galaxy far far away..   We also take a look at the mysterious ‘burp’ of  starstuff, emitted by a supermassive black hole.  Supposedly nothing escapes the event horizon of a black hole, but somehow, remnants of a devoured star did..We wonder why..

Apple Computer had some special announcements today, so our Apple geek, Taylor Barcroft, is in the studio to inform us of the updates in the latest iPads and Apple TV’s. We then delve into several stories involving ‘spin,’ such as the successful Spinlaunch space launches, the ever spinning faster asteroid, and centrifugal coffee.  Callers brought up some amazing aerial stories, such as that of DB Cooper’s plane hijacking, David Blain’s balloon trip, and Col. Terry’s spin on a socio-Ukrainian hot button. Enjoy!

The Futures with guest Gabriel Cianfrani


Interview - Physicist Nick Herbert on the latest Nobel Physics Prize on Bell's Theorem, Quantum Entanglement, and Non-local Reality

Listen Now to Physicist Nick Herbert

Quantum physicist Nick Herbert is our special guest for the full two hours of today’s show, speaking about the latest Nobel Physics Prize on Bell’s Theorem, Quantum Entanglement, and Non-local Reality. He and John Clauser, one of this year’s awardees of the prestigious prize, were colleagues together in the Fundamental Fysiks Group back in the 1970’s, when this line of research was being explored.

Nick makes the point that Bell’s Theorem was ignored back in 1964, when it was first espoused, not because it was bad science, but because it was looking at Reality, not theory, and physicists at the time considered Reality out-of-bounds for physics research. 

 So today we’ll be taking a fresh look at John Bell’s work, faster-than-light signaling, quantum encryption, quantum teleportation, making entangled photons, quantum computers, creating reality with our thoughts, and wondering whether consciousness is our reward for…’collapsing the wave function’?!! Enjoy!

Dr. Nick Herbert in the KSCO studio


Discussion and Call-ins with Dr. Bruce Lipton on the coming evolutionary shift

As we were discussing Elon Musk’s experiment of using Twitter as a public forum for voting about the Ukraine Crisis, our guest Dr. Bruce Lipton, arrived in the studio.  Seeing how he might contribute to the topic at hand, we brought him on the air to actually discuss something political as well as scientific! A wonderful show, Bruce spoke with us about the internet as exo-nervous system, voting via Twitter, how our consciousness is creating our life experience, how population density leads to civilization, Lamarckian vs Darwinian views of evolution, the microbiome, vertical agriculture, food addiction, slowing biological aging, telemeres, and how we are actually energy fields being picked up our our sophisticated transceiver, the human body.  Enjoy!

Future News - DART Mission success, Venusian Mystery, Earth Core Anomoly, Cooling the Poles, Backpacking Lifesaving Cockroaches to the Rescue, Battery Tech Update, Consciousness and the Microbiome

Listen Now to Future News 9.28.2022

We begam today’s show with a lively discussion of NASA DART mission, a successful attempt to re-direct an asteroid from it’s trajectory. We are visited in the KSCO studios by Billy Sunshine, a fellow talk show host, who could be George Carlin’s brother. He joins us in our DART discussions, along with the latest news from Venus, Mars, and the outer core of our planet itself, which seems to be experiening an anomoly. Oh yes, there is also a look at how to cool our  plane’s poles, a geoengineering challenge if there ever was one! In the second hour, we explore the new world of backpacking cockroaches and how they could save our lives, the latest in battery tech, and a look at the role of the microbiome in our gut on it’s effect on our consciousness, with a call from Shane, in Australia. Enjoy!


Future News - Giant Battery Burns, JWST Aims at Red Planet, Martian Meteor Sounds, Space Diamonds Discovered, Crashing the Grid with Electric Cars, Blow Hole Power

Listen Now to Future News 9.20.2022

As we recorded our show today, the Megapack-powered Elkhorn Battery Energy Storage Facility burned.  It lost only one of it’s 256 shipping container-sized Tesla Megapack batteries to the flames, but shut down traffic in the area for over 12 hours.  This event was the seed for several stories and calls today, as we explored our energy future.  Meanwhile the James Webb telescope put it’s infrared eye on the Red Planet, revealing new info on the weather, the Insight lander was able to record the strange sounds of a meteor striking the planet, rare space diamonds were discovered, and electric cars may be the end of or the saviors of the power grid. Enjoy!

Tesla Megpack battery burns at Moss Landing Plant