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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (955)


Future News - New Apple products discussion, Blue Origin Capsule Escapes Certain Destruction, Alien Clean Room, Race to Moon for Helium 3, Oxygen on Mars, Cheap Powerful AlSNaCL battery, Wave Energy Machine Runs 10 months, 99% uptime, 12-person Hydrofoil 

Listen Now to Future News 9.13.2022

 This is the week of new iPhones for the year, so naturally we have Taylor Barcroft in the studio, giving you the download on what’s best in the new lineup. We also share the latest in Space News, with the emergency Blue Origin almost disaster, NASA plans for a high tech Alien Clean Room, the Chinese/American race to the moon, possibly for resources like Helium 3, and new energy tech. Most fun, however, is the SeaBubble, a 12 person hydrofoil that runs on Hydrogen Electric, enjoy!

The SeaBubble, a 12-person hydrofoil running on H electric


Future News - Hot Times Now, Solar Orbiter Gets Blasted, Space Tug Operational, Green Hydrogen Rising, Ukranian Hackers in Action, Sun accused of being a liberal

Listen Now to Future News 9.6.2022

Welcome to September, coming in rather hot, literally!  And not just for us Earthfolks living in the Western US..No, no, no.. The Sun threw a coronal mass ejection at Venus just as our Solar Orbiter spacecraft was flying by, giving us some awesome data on CME’s! Fortunately the ship was designed to handle such an event! Lots of fun this week, including a nasty caller, join us! 

Solar Orbiter performing a Venus Flyby to get closer to the Sun


Interview - Steve Wagner, author of "All You Need is Myth: The Beatles and the Gods of Rock"

Listen Now to Steve Wagner

Ten years in the making, Steve’s book, “All You Need is Myth: The Beatles and the Gods of Rock” exploresAuthor Steve Wagner the idea that rock and roll spawned a new global  religion, with living archetypes from the ancient pantheon of Gods and Goddesses expounded in traditions like the  Greek,  Roman, and Hindu mythologies. Author Steve Wagner establishes a persuasive argument that these “Rock Gods” have not only achieved the status of mythic deities but were chosen and nurtured for these roles by global culture itself.

In our interview we explore the rock Pantheon of Gods, the influences of media guru Marshall McLuhan, Jungian archetypes of the iconic rock stars, (i.e. Hendrix - Magician, Slick - Witch, Wilson - The Child, Dylan - Prophet, Joplin - Oracle), influences of eastern religion and psychedelics on the Beatles, and Yoko Ono as the Yin of Lennon’s Yang. And after a living  religion like this…really, what’s next? Enjoy!




Future News & Copious Call-ins - SID report, Diablo Canyon Nuke plant, Lake Mead/Las Vegas Issues, NASA's DART Mission 

Listen Now to Future News - August 30, 2022

We got a few Dr. F stories in, but boy, the phone lines were lit up today!  After our little discussion about our live show at the Stanford golf club restaurant with SID, the Society of Informational Displays, we got callers concerned about the upcoming extension of PG&E’s nuclear Diablo Canyon power plant, the last nuke plant in sunny California.  Lots of pros and cons around that, regarding CA senate bill, SB 846.  Not deterred, Dr. Future re-oriented the conversation towards space, and the DART mission, scheduled to knock an asteroid from its trajectory this coming September 26, Save the Earth! But callers wanted to talk about the drought stricken Lake Mead, Las Vegas drying up, and a Tesla equipped with a GM V-8 gas engine! Enjoy..



Future News and Views - Going for the Moon with Artemis 1 and Stowaway Science with Cubesats and 'Moonikins', Black Hole Speaks eerily, Voyager celebrates its 45th year in space.  

Listen Now to Future News and Views 8.23.2022

It’s getting close now, the launching of NASA’s biggest effort in years, the Artemis 1 mission, which, after a hiatus of 50 years, will take us humans back to the moon. Like the James Webb Space Telescope, it’s way over budget and timelessly late, it nevertheless will finally launch in a few days from Cape Canaveral, if all goes well.  Much of the main mission will be discussed on mainstream media, but what caught our attention, are the secondary payloads of Artemis, the ten or so tiny Cubesat satellites that will be launched into space along the way to the moon, each with its own mission. The NEA Scout, for example, will unfurl its solar sail and head out in search of Near Earth Asteroids, and the Japanese Cubesat, OMOTENASHI, will attempt to land on the moon with the help on onboard thrusters and a giant airbag! The Italian Cubesat, ArgoMoon, will hover near the mothership and document the launch of it’s fellow Cubesats, before heading out into deep space to study the earth and the effects of deep radiation on it’s hardened technology. There is something for everyone on this mission, enjoy!