Future Now Show 08 - Marvel at 74K Tall Tornado, Venus has a 'pulse', Brace for Geomagnetic Storm, Dr. Bruce Lipton on Epigenetics and the true nature of viruses

Listen Now to Future Now 08 3.21.2023
Happy Equinox dear listeners! We’ve all been through a rough winter and now it’s time to enjoy the warmth and new life of spring. For us, the Equinox is also Mrs. Future’s birthday, which makes it doubly exciting. To celebreate she shares some of her fav poetry with you. And we do have some space news this week, such as the solar tornado the size of 14 Earths! It lasted two days traversing our Sun’s surface layer, doing only what solar tornados do..our SciFi brains think, portal perhaps? Hmm.. meanwhile new analysis of 30 year old Venusian data suggests that volcanism is alive and well on the surface of our sister planet, something we did not know! Implications, anyone? And then there is fresh evidence of a potentially large geomagnetic storm in the next few days and weeks, some believe may be on the order of a Carrington Event.. Really? I don’t know but thought you should know the evidence, at least..
74K high solar tornado on the sun this week
And our dear friend, Dr. Bruce Lipton helps us understand the role viruses play in our biological evolution, more core than what you may imagine. Of course Bruce also reminds us of how key our belief systems are in creating the world we actually experience, day-to-day. Enjoy the show!

Future News and Interview - Space News and Dr. Bruce Lipton on mRNA experiments, Natural Immunity, the biological effects of fear, heaven on earth, and why we are here
Listen Now to Space News and Dr. Bruce Lipton 9.28.2021
A downright evolutionary show today, with some great space news and Dr. Bruce Lipton in the studio with us! To say the least, he is very concerned with the main stream narrative on our viral crisis, and suggests we are approaching a new mass planetary extinction event, one driven by our species as we soil our own nest, and what might be done to ameliorate our dire situation. This includes a deeper understanding of our current pandemic, touching on such topics natural immunity, mRNA experiments, the nature of scientists, the biological effects of fear, manipulation of the popular narrative for power/financial gain, and related topics. Still, he is hopeful that we can and will attain a more ‘heaven on earth’ existence, and explains how this may not be the end.. Enjoy! :-)