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Entries in epigenetics (4)


Discussion and Call-ins with Dr. Bruce Lipton on the coming evolutionary shift

As we were discussing Elon Musk’s experiment of using Twitter as a public forum for voting about the Ukraine Crisis, our guest Dr. Bruce Lipton, arrived in the studio.  Seeing how he might contribute to the topic at hand, we brought him on the air to actually discuss something political as well as scientific! A wonderful show, Bruce spoke with us about the internet as exo-nervous system, voting via Twitter, how our consciousness is creating our life experience, how population density leads to civilization, Lamarckian vs Darwinian views of evolution, the microbiome, vertical agriculture, food addiction, slowing biological aging, telemeres, and how we are actually energy fields being picked up our our sophisticated transceiver, the human body.  Enjoy!

Interview - Dr. Bruce Lipton on Epigenetics, Health, and the Virus as a Thumb Drive

Listen Now to Dr. Bruce Lipton On The Dr. Mrs. Future Show

Back from 6 months in New Zealand during this Covid crisis, Dr. Lipton explores some of his favorite topics in relation to the virus and mind/body communications.  He characterizes a virus, for example, as equivalent to a thumb drive, not something that is alive, but a mechansim for inserting information into a cell.  During the course of our interview, we look at the Human Genome Project and Big Pharma interests,  resonant biological fields, telepathy, the Matrix as being more a documentary than fiction, electromagnetics and health. 

A masterful communicator, Bruce weaves many stories into a comprehensive meta-story of our times, with  the power of our consciousness to evolve our genes and behavior leading the way.  Enjoy!

EXTRA BONUS - Listen to Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Joel Wallach on Epigenetics on KSCO’s Saturday Morning Special 9.19.20 with MZ and The Futures!

L-R Dr.Mrs.Future with Dr. Bruce Lipton at KSCO


It's Boxing Day in the Commonwealth and We are Out and About, Celebrating this Grand Tradition. Meanwhile Bruce Lipton, James Gleick and John Grady will keep you perky with their memes.

Listen Now to Boxing Day Show 2017

In Canada, England, Australia, and other such English enclaves there thrives a holiday not usually celebrated in the US. And yes, that is Boxing Day, where essentially you spend the day hopping from one friend’s house to another, cadtching up on the last year with each other.  That that we have instant video/phone/text  social media of all sorts, it seems rather quaint a tradition.  But I tell you, there’s nothing like actually hanging out with friends and family, doing fun things together.

With that in mind, while we are out and about we will share with you some of our favorite guests in this last year.  First is Dr. Bruce Lipton, with whom we are sharing a passion for VIrtual Reality and its ability to help explore who we are as sentient biological organisms on Planet Earth. And to get a deeper reflection into the nature of Time itself, we present science journalist James Gleick and his new book on the history of Time Travel. And then taking things back to the realms of health, we presnet you with our very own Dr. John Grady who, with several other renaissance healers, has opened a local healing clinic in Santa Cruz, replete with Stem Cell treatments of all kinds, and other cutting edge therapies. Just wow!  Enjoy!


Mrs. Future on Pachamama Alliance Luncheon, Substance on Tribalize Conference, Greg Panos on Oculus VR Convention, Dr. Bruce Lipton on Epigenetics and Reprogramming the Human Biocomputer

Listen Now to Dr. Future Show 11.07.2017


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A jam packed fun show this week, with in studio reports from some of Dr. Future’s best agents in the field on sigificant events contributing to a better world.  

Also in the studio this week is Dr. Bruce Lipton, renaissance scientist and author of the best seller, ” The Biology of Belief,” and more recently, “The Honeymoon Effect.” He discusses with us his theories of how the mind and body interact and shares some stories from his latest travels to Europe. Bruce also takes some questions from our listeners, which spawned an interesting discussion on autism.  Enjoy!

Dr. Bruce Lipton with Dr. Mrs. Future at KSCO