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Entries in time travel (3)


It's Boxing Day in the Commonwealth and We are Out and About, Celebrating this Grand Tradition. Meanwhile Bruce Lipton, James Gleick and John Grady will keep you perky with their memes.

Listen Now to Boxing Day Show 2017

In Canada, England, Australia, and other such English enclaves there thrives a holiday not usually celebrated in the US. And yes, that is Boxing Day, where essentially you spend the day hopping from one friend’s house to another, cadtching up on the last year with each other.  That that we have instant video/phone/text  social media of all sorts, it seems rather quaint a tradition.  But I tell you, there’s nothing like actually hanging out with friends and family, doing fun things together.

With that in mind, while we are out and about we will share with you some of our favorite guests in this last year.  First is Dr. Bruce Lipton, with whom we are sharing a passion for VIrtual Reality and its ability to help explore who we are as sentient biological organisms on Planet Earth. And to get a deeper reflection into the nature of Time itself, we present science journalist James Gleick and his new book on the history of Time Travel. And then taking things back to the realms of health, we presnet you with our very own Dr. John Grady who, with several other renaissance healers, has opened a local healing clinic in Santa Cruz, replete with Stem Cell treatments of all kinds, and other cutting edge therapies. Just wow!  Enjoy!


Interview with Science Author/Journalist James Gleick on his book "Time Travel a history." And later space artist Don Davis shares his adventures of the "Great American Eclipse of 2017."

Listen Now about Time Travel with James Gleick

Did you ever want to travel into the past to meet historic people or see momentous events, like Lindbergh Science Author/Journalist James Gleick crossing the Atlantic for the first time by plane? Or perhaps a trip to the future, where there is easy travel to other planets and cures for deadly diseases?  Famed science journalist James Gleick is our guest this week to discuss the idea of time travel and how it has evolved since H.G. Well’s classic tome “The Time Machine,” first published in 1894.  It’s a fun topic with deep implications and amazing possibilities.  Quantum physicist Nick Herbert calls in with some great input as well, having written a book on faster than light travel.

In the second hour we field several callers fascinated with time and timeThe Time Traveler travel, including publisher Cat Miller, sharing her love for the movie  “Somewhere in Time” and anecdotal stories on speeding up time.  We also hear form Space Artist Don Davis on his adventures covering the “Great American Eclipse of 2017.” Enjoy!


Guest- Jai Hudes and his whirl wind Traveler's Time Capsule Tour.

Listen Now to Jai Hudes

Another cosmic adventure besides the Magic Love Bus this Spring is the Awareness Portal Tour and Game eXperience, orgininating from our very own Jai Hudes and his wife Shanti, in Ben Lomond, CA.  They will be visiting enclaves in North America of people playing “X The Game” .  Track them as they begin what they describe as,

“An Epic Journey Traveling 10,000 Miles to 44 Cities in 56 Days
To Open Up 44 Portals of Higher Awareness in Local Communities
And Share Powerful Tools of Empowerment To Make a Difference Now!”


In this segment, Jai describes the tour, which includes communications with Dolphins, and demonstrates X the Game on Dr. Future.  

We then explore a few other strange Dr. Future stories, like the new Galactic Positioning System, Smart Sand, and the Tacocopter.