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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (955)


Our Guest today, Dr. Charles Buchanan on the Higgs Boson research


Listen Now to Dr. Charles Buchanan

Today our guest is Dr. Charles Buchanan, UCLA and Stanford trained high energy particle physicist, who will be discussing the Higgs Boson announcement and it’s significance to us all. He’s a great teacher, and this is a good way to gain some understanding of the topic.

The conversation on the Higgs Boson begins in earnest after a couple of news stories, including one on what we are learning from sequencing the Dolphin Genome.  For more on the news stories and Dr. Buchanon’s background, check out our links page.

Charles Buchanan

Dr. Charles Buchanan


Big Cybersting, Do your own Satellite Experiment, XBox 720 Leak, 3D Printer Masters, Free Stanford iPhone online course, The Brain's Size Detector, Infrared Solar Cells, Vat Liver, New US Biodefense System

Dr. Future News 6.26.12

Lots of great news this week, with your hosts Dr. Mrs. Future in the studio!


Festival Culture Rises, America's Brainiest Cities, new cheap 3D Printers, Internet Bill of Rights 

Listen Now Dr. Future 6.19.12

Lots of great news and info  on Dr. Future this week, as we broadcast remotely from KSCO North, in Pt. Richmond.  We have just returned from a great NorCal Festival, HeartKiss, with our report..also The Internet Bill of Rights, a breakthrough in cost for 3D printers, America’s Brainiest Cities, and the latest in personal security for your Internet connection!

For more detail on all our stories, make sure to check out our links page.

Heart Kiss Bliss 2012


Bruce Damer on Terence McKenna

Listen Now to Dr. Bruce Damer 

This weekend Dr. Bruce Damer will be co-hosting a workshop on the life and ideas of a bard of our times, Terence McKenna, at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, CA.

Terence was quite a color character, as is Bruce, so we think you’ll enjoy this little interview..


MacHead Taylor Barcroft updates us on Apple's latest and greatest technology

Dr. Future News 6.12.12

With the advent of Apple’s WWDC (World Wide Developer’s Conference) at Moscone Center in San Francisco, lots of changes are afoot in the Apple World.  To help us digest this plethora of info, we’ve invited major MacHead and pundit on all things Apple, Taylor Barcroft, into the studio.