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Entries in nasa (3)


Future News -Initial WWDC and E3 Report, Lots of Space News, including UAE/NASA Mars alliance, Fires in Space. Update from Director Brett Leonard on latest projects including Virtual Reality Open Source Metaverse

Listen Now to Future News 6.14.2016

This week we are on the road to LA, with many events on the agenda, including VR at E3.  Most fun so far was a big party sponsorted by Upload VR at the old stock exchange building in LA, replete with demos from over a dozen companies creating Virtual Reality Content. It was quite crowded and it paid to be there early.  We were.. Also, lots of space news this week, from discovering new planets so close to the their suns that they are losing their atmosphere to the United Arab Emirates teaming up with NASA for Space Exploration.  We also found the remote watery graveyard for space junki on earth to be quite fascinating. 

Film Director and media pioneer Brett Leonard gives us an update on his media projects, including a 360 video project in the royal palace of Denmark, and the latest in open source VR.

Very exciting and we look forward to sharing it all with you!

giant planet PTFO8-8695b, which is believed to orbit a star in the constellation Orion every 11 hours. Gravity from the young star appears to be pulling away the outer layers of the Jupiter-like planet.


Future News - The Martian, NASA Mars Plan, Dupont CRISPR Editing Plant DNA, Industrial Plant Captures CO2 from Atmosphere 

Listen Now to Future News 10.13.2015

We really delve a little more deeply into the Martian Mythos in this report, beginning with our take on the new film, The Martian, with Matt Damon, who I thought did an exceptional job in pulling off the role. We look at some feeback from Geek friends on the film, regarding it’s scientific authenticity and such and then look at NASA’s latest announcement of when the actual Mars Mission for humans will take place. And then there is Mars One,sending humans to Mars as part of a reality TV show.  I hope their ratings stay high for the colonist’s sake! 

Also this week, we begin to look at how the new DNA editing tool, CRISPR/Cas 9, is making inroads in commercial circles, such as Dupont’s plans for creating new strains of drought-resistant crops.  Mrs. Future makes sure we recognize the Franken Furter aspect of this story while Dr. Future throws such cautionary tales to the wind, citing his latest theory about the multiverse!  


Dr. Future News - 3D Mars Live, Fibonacci Solar Panels, Crowd Funding Ignites, Ecstatic Brain Scanning, Bacteria have friends too, the Brains behind the Mind. 

 Dr. Future News 9.25.12

Welcome to the Dr. Future News, where we do our best to keep you abreast of some really interesting stories this week.  It’s pretty cool, for example that the NASA scientists are using consumer 3D glasses from Nvidia to roll around on Mars aboard the Curiousity rover.   It used to be that NASA drove the development of tech, with inventions as lithium batteries, wireless sensors, to panoramic photography. Now, consumer tech is helping to drive the space program, literally!  And in that realm there are rising new inventors, such a 13-year old Aidan Dwyer, who has created a new kind of solar panel, based on his observation of trees.

We also take a look at the world of crowd funding, where more and more people are finding the money for financing their personal projects and dreams.  Just this week, Mrs. Future (Sun Marian) spoke on the topic at a Film School in San Francisco, as a way to finance your media productions. It is an amazing up-and-coming field.

Our reporting on the social nature of bacterial colonies and the significance of brain evolution in understanding our minds were also fun to make and share with you, not to mention the report from an intrepid New Scientist journalist inside an fMRI machine while high on MDMA.  So enjoy, and you’ll hear from us next week in our new home on KOMY in Santa Cruz!