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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (955)


Dr. Future News - Maker Faire is here, Real world Beaming, Breakthrough in Splitting the H20 molecule, Dolphin Speaker,Saving Lives with Self Driving Cars, Modern day Pirate Island, Getting Sirius about UFOs  

Listen Now to Dr. Future News 5.15.12

We have quite an interesting slate of stories today for you, including a report from MC Hager at a high end graphics event in Silicon Valley and a call from Sherry Huss, the Maker-in-Chief at Make Magazine and the Maker Faire.

And let us now forget Wavy Gravy at the Rio this Sunday Eve,  May 20, right after the annular eclipse of the Sun! Enjoy the show


Information is Like A Mist, you have to breathe it in..

Check out some of our amazing stories slated for the show this week..

Movies stored in a cloud of gas, low-cost way of splitting the water molecule, mammography without x-rays, broadcast TV from your home worldwide with an audience for free, Pirate Island off of San Francisco attracts over 100 companies, new gene evidence on how we became human, and more evidence of non-human higher intelligence.


Mrs. Future interviews some Santa Cruz Film Fest Folks

Listen to Sascha Rice, granddaughter of California Governer Pat Brown and niece of Governer Jerry Brown, who just released a film on her grandfather, California State of Mind: The Legacy of Pat Brown.

Listen to Zack Dunn, who won the Santa Cruz Film Festival Screenplay contest.



Listen to Joshua Dylan Mellars, filmmaker of “Play Like a Lion: The Legacy of Maestro Ali Akbar Khan.”


Dr. Future News- MRI Psychopath Profile, Electro optics, cheap laser projection, Venus Transit, Robo Cars in NV, Open Source Social Network 

Listen to Dr. Future Show News 5.08.12

A random senseless act of violence impacts our show today, as someone from our community was murdered yesterday.  Serendipitously we had a report on a new UK MRI study citing anatomical evidence of psychopaths.  MC Hager checks in from a CLEO, an electro optics conference in Silicon valley.  The Venus Transit approaches are we are starting to make plans.  Autonomous vehicles are making further headway in Las Vegas, and a way to make $$$ from your social networking is suggested..


Guest - Dr. Eric Pearl, pioneer of miraculous healing

Listen Now to Dr. Eric Pearl

Internationally practicing healer Eric Pearl is quite well known, having appeared on numerous television shows in the US and around the world, spoken by invitation at theUnited Nations, presented to a full house at Madison Square Garden, been interviewed in various publications including The New York Times, and most recently featured in the film, The Living Matrix.

As a doctor, Eric ran a highly successful chiropractic practice for 12 years until one day his patients began reporting that they felt his hands on them – even though he hadn’t physically touched them. Patients soon reported receiving miraculous healings from cancers, AIDS-related diseases, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, birth disfigurements, cerebral palsy and other serious afflictions. All this occurred when Eric simply held his hands near them – and to this day, it continues.

We’ll have a chance to chat with Dr. Pearl about such miraculous healings and how one might cultivate and/or tune in to such capability oneself.