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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (955)


Natural Gas update, new UDACITY courses, Ejecta life, and Guest Dr. Bruce Damer, visionary technologist and independent scientist.

Listen Now to the Dr. Future Show 4.17.12

This week we have not divided the show into News and Interview segments, as Dr. Bruce Damer joined Mrs. Future and Mr. Past for most of the the news.  So, we have one show for you, covering a few thoughts on energy and natural gas, the new UDacity courses, and when Bruce enters, we go warp speed, covering his new theory of the Big Bang, Interstellar Ejecta, speculations on alien contact, Drake’s Equation, augmented reality, Avatars, the Digibarn project,  2012, Terence McKenna, and other thoughts about Life, the Universe, and everything in it.  We had a lot of fun making this show and may you enjoy listening to it!


Dr. Future News - Trash N Fashion Show, New Flavor of $$- Mint Chip created, Humanoid Robot Grand Challenge, Google X Project Glass, Chocolate- now in 3D! Giving up the Wheel, Rising from the unconscious depths, $35 Tablets, wtf? UV Medical Flashlight, EZ Picture sharing, soon in FB., , 

Big news week on all fronts! Fashion and Trash converge at the annual Trash N Fashion Show, here in Santa Cruz this Saturday eve., the Canadians have introduced a new flavor of $$$, Mint Chip, that you can carry around on your thumb drive. Not to be outdone, the Brits are releasing the first printer to print custom chocolate treats in 3D, taking chco design far beyond the current blobs of sweet goo drops.
DARPA announces its newest Grand Challenge, as they search for the best humanoid type robot, what used to be called ‘androids,’ before the name was largely co-opted by the Google smart phone operating system. Hopefully, we’ll come up with robots more kindly towards us than the Terminator, which seemed to have lost it’s love for humanity..except for Arnie’s T-3 model, of course..
To help us along on this, MIT has launched an intiative to make it ‘easy pezy’ to build custom robots, from concept to creation.  What do you want your bot to do?  Also in the education world are the immient release of the $35 Android based tablets, from and for Indians, at least at first.  A 10X cheaper tablet should affect that ecosystem rather profoundly..
And as fuel prices go up, other options are starting to appear, like a new biodiesel animal fat plant in Watsonville, that will almost double the nation’s supply of biodiesel! Like I said, lots of news this week..

Guest- Jai Hudes and his whirl wind Traveler's Time Capsule Tour.

Listen Now to Jai Hudes

Another cosmic adventure besides the Magic Love Bus this Spring is the Awareness Portal Tour and Game eXperience, orgininating from our very own Jai Hudes and his wife Shanti, in Ben Lomond, CA.  They will be visiting enclaves in North America of people playing “X The Game” .  Track them as they begin what they describe as,

“An Epic Journey Traveling 10,000 Miles to 44 Cities in 56 Days
To Open Up 44 Portals of Higher Awareness in Local Communities
And Share Powerful Tools of Empowerment To Make a Difference Now!”


In this segment, Jai describes the tour, which includes communications with Dolphins, and demonstrates X the Game on Dr. Future.  

We then explore a few other strange Dr. Future stories, like the new Galactic Positioning System, Smart Sand, and the Tacocopter.


Dr. Future News - April Fool's Stories, Blind Driver in Google Car, Bonobo's on the net, TacoCopter, mouse quantumly teleported into the past, Captain Scotty Miller of the Magic Love Bus undertakes a cross country trip.  

Listen Now Dr. Future News 4.03.12

Yes, the April Fool’s stories were out in force this week, and we are on it, sharing with you some we’ve heard, and some that turned out to be true!  We also interview the Captain of the Magic Love Bus, Scotty Miller, in this segment and where is the trip going next..



Dr. Future News - Self-replicating Code, Future Sewing, MC Hager Space Station Report, Mercury's core is possibly Venus, 2012 End of World Euro Vacation, Tumors be gone, Taser Healing 

With Bruce Erickson in the studio for the news, we have hit some new high points in reporting unusual stories for you.  Who would think that self replicating code and the new sewing machines would have any association?  MC Hager has reached new heights in his remote reporting skills and will hopefully be bringing back a sample of 0 Grav 3D printing from his latest adventures.  And who knew that Mercury’s core may at one time have belonged to Venus?  


Looking for a 2012 End of the World Adventure?  We have a good one for you!  Plus the latest in tumor research at Stanford, and Taser snakebite and electromagnetic healing from Russia.. A fun info packed show!