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Entries in future (5)


Dr. Future News - Alien Space Probes, Autonomous Volvo, License Plate trackers, Human motion power, Gold Rush era discards the new gold, Dolphins use Names

Listen Now to Dr. Future News 7.23.13

A good news week, with some great info and tales that will amuse and amaze you.  I particularly like the garbage to gold story of how the tailings of 19th century California and Nevada mines may contain valuable rare earth elements. And of course, the story on how we can harvest energy from our body movements..Simply fascinating, even though we only actually move about 7% of our time!



Dr. Future News - Maker Faire is here, Real world Beaming, Breakthrough in Splitting the H20 molecule, Dolphin Speaker,Saving Lives with Self Driving Cars, Modern day Pirate Island, Getting Sirius about UFOs  

Listen Now to Dr. Future News 5.15.12

We have quite an interesting slate of stories today for you, including a report from MC Hager at a high end graphics event in Silicon Valley and a call from Sherry Huss, the Maker-in-Chief at Make Magazine and the Maker Faire.

And let us now forget Wavy Gravy at the Rio this Sunday Eve,  May 20, right after the annular eclipse of the Sun! Enjoy the show


Dr. Future News - Self-replicating Code, Future Sewing, MC Hager Space Station Report, Mercury's core is possibly Venus, 2012 End of World Euro Vacation, Tumors be gone, Taser Healing 

With Bruce Erickson in the studio for the news, we have hit some new high points in reporting unusual stories for you.  Who would think that self replicating code and the new sewing machines would have any association?  MC Hager has reached new heights in his remote reporting skills and will hopefully be bringing back a sample of 0 Grav 3D printing from his latest adventures.  And who knew that Mercury’s core may at one time have belonged to Venus?  


Looking for a 2012 End of the World Adventure?  We have a good one for you!  Plus the latest in tumor research at Stanford, and Taser snakebite and electromagnetic healing from Russia.. A fun info packed show!


Dr. Future News - The New iPad, Lab Burgers for all, Waste Water Power, Smithsonian Replicates, Team Time Emerges

This week is iPad release week, and all the features were speculated about are true, except for the actual name..Not iPad 3, just the new iPad..go figure.. Apple will continue to sell the iPad 2 for $399 as well, but the new one will just be the iPad..
Meanwhile two more scientific groups are pioneering the field of growing/printing meat in the lab, and ending, once and for all, the factory farming of animals.  They have a long way to go, but we bring the latest info.  Also quite innovative is a new way generating power from waste water using micro-organisms and salt water, and a cool 3D printing approach for the Smithsonian to share it’s way cool exhibits with others..
MC Hager checks in from the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, in his new personna, “Mr. Past.”  When he’s about to reveal some new info about Google, our connection to him mysteriously disintegrates into indecipherable static.. 

Dr. Future News - Massive Smart Phone Activations, Electronic Cotton for Embedded Tech, Indefinite Detention Bill, Space 2012, Just Off Shore Innovation. 

Dr. Future News 1.03.11

Welcome to 2012 and a new year of renaissance breakthroughs in science, technology, and consciousness.  This week MC hager checks in from Boulder Creek, and we have a chock full of interesting stories to discuss and share..