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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (955)


Dr. Future News - The New iPad, Lab Burgers for all, Waste Water Power, Smithsonian Replicates, Team Time Emerges

This week is iPad release week, and all the features were speculated about are true, except for the actual name..Not iPad 3, just the new iPad..go figure.. Apple will continue to sell the iPad 2 for $399 as well, but the new one will just be the iPad..
Meanwhile two more scientific groups are pioneering the field of growing/printing meat in the lab, and ending, once and for all, the factory farming of animals.  They have a long way to go, but we bring the latest info.  Also quite innovative is a new way generating power from waste water using micro-organisms and salt water, and a cool 3D printing approach for the Smithsonian to share it’s way cool exhibits with others..
MC Hager checks in from the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, in his new personna, “Mr. Past.”  When he’s about to reveal some new info about Google, our connection to him mysteriously disintegrates into indecipherable static.. 

The Future of Conflict Resolution with Scott Catamas

We could do the show on the future of conflict, but being Santa Cruz and peaceful folks at heart, we thought we’d go directly to the future of conflict resolution, as we know we prefer a rather peaceful lifestyle.   
One of the more succesful strategies for conflict resolution these days has been the theories and practices of Non Violent Communications, as espoused by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg.  By combining NVC with a few other approaches, our guest, Scott Catamas has taken Dr. Rosenberg’s practices to new heights of functional practice.  We think you’ll be able to apply what you hear on this show to your every day life, hopefully making it better..

The Strange Ongoing Dynamics of Dr. Future and Mr. Past


A few weeks ago, just before our interview with Howard Bloom, Dr. Future and MC Hager attempted an acoustic time travel experiment that went slightly awry…  It appears, during the course of the experiment that MC accessed another part of himself, a shadowy sub personna perhaps, that identifies himself as “Mr.Past.”


Since that fateful moment, MC Hager has more fully manifested this personality, and wants to be a regular contributor to the show.  Should Dr. Future allow “Mr. Past” on the air, or would that be a big mistake?  To further explore this relationship, we have posted the original time experiment and the first contact experience between Dr. Future and Mr. Past…let us know how you weight in on this (via comments below).


And now we test out our sponsor’s latest product, Java Fit, coffee with vitamins


Dr. Future News - iPad 3 Coming, Billions of Rogue Nomad Planets, Bucky Balls in Deep Space, new apps store for all, a Private CIA in our midst, Free GPS Nav

Listen Now Dr. Future News 1.28. 12

Lots of exciting news today to share with you.  I particularly love the billions of rogue planets out there.. It turns out only a small percentage of planets in the galaxy are actually associated with star systems…go figure..kind of fits the stories of Planet X or Nibiru..I’m just story..

The deeper depths of the power elite become clearer as we learn through a Wikileaks leak that there is a very powerful global intelligence network in our midst..with thousands of high level businessmen, government officials from many countries, diplomats, military and industrial ties around the globe.  

And to help you to navigate freely through all this we have NavFree to assist.  Quite cool!


Nina Simon Museum of Art and History director, on Future of Museums.


Listen Now to Nina Simon

 How will internationally renowned museum dynamo Nina Simon take our Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History into the future?

Just what are her ideas for making a brick and mortar museum more dynamic and compelling, when more and more we get our history and art online?  How can museums encourage interactivity and human interaction rather than squelch it?

And just what are museums 2.0? 

Found out in this episode of the Dr. Future Show with Nina Simon, the new director of our downtown Museum of Art and History!