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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (954)


The LovEvolution Solution - Breaking Down the Barriers and Awakening Another Possible World

I had an opportunity to chat with Scotty Miller this weekend, the Captain of the Magic Love Bus, before it begins it’s LovEvolution journey across the USA this spring.  

Why is this interesting?   

Because the Magic Love Bus will be part of a rolling road show, educating and entertaining folks in towns across America about the West Coast Festival Culture, the Occupy Movement, the Green Revolution, peace and love amongst all global citizens.  

Besides gathering disparate Burners from towns across America, there will be a crew of LovEvolutionaries dedicated to sharing love, food, drumming, campfires, movies, discussions, dancing, music, yoga, and impromptu parades.
A media bus following  will host regular radio/TV shows about shared issues and interests promulagated by the LovEvolution crew as they connect with locals.  

The bus will also control its very own Peace Keeper Drone, showing us that not just the Pentagon can play with such tech..  It will, for example, shoot aerial video as small town police departments ‘visit’ the Bus on it’s journey through their territory. 

So, if you see it coming through your town, come on board the bus and join the conversation..

Listen now to Scotty Miller, Captain of the Magic Love Bus

 For more info, visit


Dr. Future News - E.T. Search refunded, Manhole cover passes Pluto, Siri faces yet another AI suitor, Brain Research reveals new meat, Starship lost in Divorce Settlement. 

Listen Now if You Dare  Dr. Future News 1.31.12

Yes, it’s time for another madcap exploration of the latest future news, by your favorite Evolutionaries, Dr. Mrs. Future and MC Hager.  A richly amusing and somewhat informative download on topics sure to keep the cocktail parties buzzing for another week of fun on planet Earth.  


Guest- Mac Head Pundit Taylor Barcroft Explores MacWorld Highlights with Us..

Listen Now Roundtable MacWorld 2.01.12

Known for his obsessive interest in all things Apple, Taylor Barcroft  is part of our round table sharing today on what was hot hot hot at Macworld.   Lots of cool stuff to lust after.  In this show we explore stuff like the wireless headphone concert, iRig the best mic for iPhone/Pad mobile podcasting, eyeballz, an iPad case  that likes to be dropped, the iPhone Film Fest, Glassless 3D, iPad 3 and iPhone 5 expectations.

Does Android stand a chance, or will robots take over the jobs of all?  We wax eloquently on all these touch points, and oh, one more thing….you’ll have to listen!

For more on Taylor, check out this classic Wired article on him


Solar Hurricane, Apple update, the next step in online higher education, amazing Star Wars mashup, Megaupload takedown issues

Listen Now Dr. Future News 1.24.12

 The latest Dr. Future News, with the Futures, MC Hager and his sons Skylar and Lucas. 


Don Davis, Visionary Space Artist

Listen Now to Don Davis

Don Davis


Don Davis, 59, got his start in space art working at the U.S. Geological Survey doing the first Lunar maps while still a teenager. Few are capable of the detail and accuracy needed for planetary mapping, but Don’s maps are accurate enough to target spacecraft by. His attention to detail is legendary even among like-minded artists.

He won an EMMY award for his ground-breaking work in the classic PBS seriesCOSMOS, and also worked on PBS’ Planet Earth and Space Age series. His work is seen in TIME-LIFE BOOKS, SMITHSONIAN, NATURAL HISTORY magazines and OMNI to name a few. His filmwork and animation for NASA’a Jet Propulsion Lab include Voyager and Galileo flyby sequences.

He frequently illustrated books and articles by the late Carl Sagan, and he also collaborated for many years with Sagan for his essays in Sunday PARADE magazine. Lately his work has turned primarily digital and is often seen on the Discovery Channel and The Learning Channel in various documentaries on cosmic subjects.