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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (955)


Dr. Future News- Inhalable Caffeine, DIY Biotech , Drones@home, Space Garbage Collectors

Listen Now Dr. Future News 2.21.12

A whole new food delivery system is being pioneered, Breathable Foods, with the latest product being inhalable caffeine.  And this is just the tip of the iceberg, with all kinds of new things coming our way, thanks to the cheap and out of control world of Do It Yourself Biotech.  

FDA to Review Inhalable Caffeine

Not to be left behind,  the drone market is growing quickly, thanks to drops in cost, and promises to impact just about every sector of society, from police to the real estate market..


Dave Warren on TEDx Santa Cruz and the TEDx Revolution

Listen Now to Dave Warren

 This show we have TEDx Santa Cruz founder Dave Warren drop by to give us an update on what’s happening in the rapidly growing TEDx arena. Dave has organized the first TEDx Santa Cruz!


 Check out our links for this show..



Dr. Future News - Drone Pizza Delivery, Solve for X, Grass Cuttings Power, Fountain of Youth, Experiment gone awry

Listen Now Dr. Future News 2.14.12

Along with our usual wealth of reality evolving news, we have a story from Mrs. Future about her experiences with a rainforest Shaman, and a time experiment gone awry in the KSCO studio!





Guest- Howard Bloom

Listen Now to Howard Bloom

 We have the pleasure of having Howard Bloom as our guest today. As per Wikipedia:

Howard Bloom (born June 25, 1943) is an American author. He was a publicist in the 1970s and 1980s for singers and bands such as Prince,[1] Billy Joel,[2] and Styx.[3] In 1988 he became disabled with chronic fatigue syndrome.[4] Since then he has published three books on human evolution and group behavior, The Genius of the BeastThe Global Brain and The Lucifer Principle, which are informed by his ideas about what underlies the success of major rock and roll artists.[5]

Bloom left the music industry in 1988 due to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, reinventing himself as one of the world’s leading scientific experts on group dynamics, perceptual engineering, memetics, and popular culture. His best-selling book The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Exploration Into the Forces of History (New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1995) was acclaimed by 22 major scientists upon its release, and is regarded as a landmark study of principles including memes, the pecking order, and the superorganism (group-mind). The book established Bloom as a scientific expert in mass behavior.

Bloom subsequently founded the prestigious International Paleopsychology Project, a growing assembly of scientists, theorists, and conceptual outsiders who critically examine contemporary society, drawing upon physics, microbiology, paleontology, endocrinology, neurobiology, anthropology, history and human ethology.

Bloom shows this remarkable interdisciplinary outlook in his latest book, Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st Century (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2000), which argues for Group Selection Theory, and compellingly warns that humanity may face a bacterial apocalypse.


Dr. Future News- Super Earth discovered, amazing telescope power, our Solar System's Membrane explored, A Dark Side of the Moon webcam, and What is Erotic? in the key of C. 

Listen Now Dr. Future News 2.7.12

No shortage of interesting topics to explore this week- UCSC scientists discover what they are calling a Super Earth, Euro astronomers have figured out how to network large Earth-based telescopes to create one very large telescope in South America.  New info in on the boundary layer ‘membrane’ around our solar system, and you’ll love the first video of the dark side of the moon!  Soon, we’ll have access to a remote controlled webcam in orbit around the moon! 

And in our efforts to create a world beyond war, we feature an interview with Misha Bonaventura, the producer of this year’s “What is Erotic?”  gala event in Santa Cruz, where the community itself gets to participate in answering that most provacative question.

What is Erotic 2012 - In the Boudoir