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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (954)


Techno Shamanic Rain Experiment, biohacking, CES gear, Tricorder Contest, 3D earthmapping, Youtube Laugh Factory

 Listen Now Dr. Future Show 1.17.12

Lots of great future news to share, just take a look at our links for today.  DIY Biology is on the rise, with the opening of Biocurious in Sunnyvale, the success of the online hub, DIY Bio, and a new sequencer so inexpensive that we can now sequence a person’s genome for $1000.  

Some new contests caught our attention this week, including the online Google Science Fair for kids and teens, and the Tricorder X Prize.

CES is now over and we discuss of host of CES products sure to impact our world, like the latest in 3D printers and Smart TV.

Combining Science and Shamanism, we performed an on air rain greetings for the second part of this show.  Forecasters say rain is coming, so like the band greeting the train at the station, we welcomed the rain gods.

We also look at the famous 100 year old future forecasts of American civil engineer John Elfreth Watkins, and compare and contrast them with a list of crowdsourced future predictions by the BBC.


Dr. Future News - Cool CES Tech, Molecular Wire, Political genes, Voice Recognition Remote, Gestural Languaging, 3D Cellphone Cams

Listen Now Dr. Future News 1.10.11

The great Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas is happening now, and we have some hot gadget stories for you, esp in the way you will be relating to your big screen TV.  We also have some interesting news about the next generation wire and little more insight into why we are the way we are, politically, that is..


Guest- VR/MoCap Pioneer and head on auto collision survivor Dave Blackburn speaks of Virtual moviemaking and the latest in ambulatory tech.

 Listen Now to Dave Blackburn on Dr. Future

It is with great pleasure we present our interview with Dave Blackburn, a long time pioneer in the fields of virtual/augmented reality, motion capture, and virtual film making. And until his head on automobile accident of 2010, Dave was also a world class softball pitcher, an inductee to the International Softball Congress Hall of Fame.

He will be discussing with us the latest advances in virtual filmmaking, as evidenced in “The Adventures of Tin Tin,” by Spielberg and Jackson, and explore significant developments in  wheelchair/ambulatory technologies for the physically handicapped.

Dave is currently the National Leader in most VIEWS, and most LIKED video submission, 
in HBO’s Sport In America Contest. Dr Futiure Show listeners can support Dave Blackburn’s 
efforts to continue his lead, in both categories, by checking out his 6 minute video submission, 
and select LIKE, if you enjoy his story. If Dave’s submission is selected by the HBO Producers, 
he will end up on the HBO series, set to debut next year.  




Dr. Future News - Massive Smart Phone Activations, Electronic Cotton for Embedded Tech, Indefinite Detention Bill, Space 2012, Just Off Shore Innovation. 

Dr. Future News 1.03.11

Welcome to 2012 and a new year of renaissance breakthroughs in science, technology, and consciousness.  This week MC hager checks in from Boulder Creek, and we have a chock full of interesting stories to discuss and share..


An Astrological Look at 2012 by Dusty Park

Listen Now to Dusty Park on 2012

Yes, 2012 is upon us and we have our cybertribal astrologer, Dusty Park, give us a major download on key energies and days to track in this apocryphal year.  Get ready for major change!

If you are interested in more info, check out Dusty’s iPhone App “iTime Capsule.”