The History and Future of the Flying Car with inventor Dr. Paul Moller

Since the dawn of consciousness, it been a dream of humankind to fly, to effortlessly travel from once place to another, hovering above the world, taking a breathless moment to appreciate the magic of the bird’s eye view.
For 50 years now, Dr. Paul Moller has been chasing that dream in earnest. Every year he gets a bit closer to the realization of it, taking the form of what he calls the “Skycar.” In its ideal form, this vehicle is personal transportation, comparing in costs to an automobile, but with the ability to fly through the air with the greatest of ease. And soon, with the advent of computer aided navigation and flight controls, it will be automonous, like the Google cars we’ve admired from a distance.
The latest news is that Moller International is joining a consortium that includes a private company in China and representatives from a economic and development zone.
The company has a series of investment objectives totaling $13.7 billion, and a production goal of 100,000 units per year by 2018.
So get comfortable as we share with you the tale of humanity’s dream of personal flight, with Dr. Paul Moller as our guest..