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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (954)


The History and Future of the Flying Car with inventor Dr. Paul Moller

Listen now to Dr. Paul Moller

 Since the dawn of consciousness, it been a dream of humankind to fly, to effortlessly travel from once place to another, hovering above the world, taking  a breathless moment  to appreciate the magic of the bird’s eye view.


For 50 years now, Dr. Paul Moller has been chasing that dream in earnest.  Every year he gets a bit closer to the realization of it, taking the form of what he calls the “Skycar.” In its ideal form, this vehicle is personal transportation, comparing in costs to an automobile, but with the ability to fly through the air with the greatest of ease.  And soon, with the advent of computer aided navigation and flight controls, it will be automonous, like the Google cars we’ve admired from a distance.  

The latest news is that Moller International is  joining a consortium that includes a private company in China and representatives from a economic and development zone.

The company has a series of investment objectives totaling $13.7 billion, and a production goal of 100,000 units per year by 2018.

So get comfortable as we share with you the tale of humanity’s dream of personal flight, with Dr. Paul Moller as our guest..


Interview with Foster Gamble and the Thrive Movie and Movement

This week Mrs. Future, Agent MC Hager and I interview Foster Gamble, local producer of a deep documentary, somewhat akin to a Swiss army knife of problems and solutions to today’s major issues. As their website so aptly says,
“THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.”

It is followed up with an extensive interactive website, so that the documentary is like a trailer to the website, a guide to where you might contribute to the process of Thriving.


Duane Elgin, Nassim Haramein, Steven Greer, Jack Kasher, Daniel Sheehan, Adam Trombly, Brian O’Leary, Vandana Shiva, John Gatto, John Robbins, Deepak Chopra, David Icke, Catherine Austin Fitts, G. Edward Griffin, Bill Still, John Perkins, Paul Hawken, Aqeela Sherrills, Evon Peter, Angel Kyodo Williams, Elisabet Sahtouris, Amy Goodman, and Barbara Marx Hubbard.


Foster Gamble - President & Co-Founder of Clear Compass Media; Creator, Host, Co-Writer, and Director of Visual Design for THRIVE




Dr. Future News - Expensive Crash, Drones- Foreign and Domestic, other Earths, Fukushima update, High School Testing Insanity,Free Stanford Courses,

Dr. Future News 12.06.11


Dr. Future News is nicely framed by Agent MC Hager with a new tune he wrote for the show.  Enjoy the news, as we call in the Drones!! :-)



Meet our Interview Guest Aubrey Murr Copland


Deep from the earliest high source of Christianity in England, Glastonbury, we have spiritual healer Aubrey Murr Copland visiting us today.  

Audrey has built up a dedicated following over 25 years in the spiritual field. She was fortunate to develop her skills alongside mentors such as Sir George Trevelyan, Frederic Lionel, Lilla Bek, Brugh Joy and Barbara Ann Brennan. She is widely travelled and has taught many hundreds of people how to heal and be healed in many different places including America, Canada, Newfoundland, Alaska, Germany, Israel, Spain and Portugal. Audrey has also helped set up Healing organisations in Europe and USA.

Audrey is a natural sensitive who works intuitively with colour and energy yet she has always sought to grow and develop her skills through experience and deep study. Consequently, her work is thoroughly grounded in the teachings of the great masters and is also practically tried and tested via the hundreds of individual healing consultations she has given and through her work with groups at many conferences and courses. She has been interviewed on TV and radio in UK, America and Canada. For years she devoted her skills to helping the National Federation of Spiritual Healers, the world’s largest healing organisation, to develop a ground-breaking healer training programme that people from all over the world still flock to attend. Her considerable healing power and expertise are evident in the many testimonials about her work. See ‘Review’ section.

She first became aware of the healing power of her voice when she was presenting spiritual development groups where participants were entranced by the energy conveyed as she spoke. Students eagerly suggested that she should record her voice and she then developed the first of her creative visualisations which were an instant success. She has continued devising new meditations ever since and the whole range is now available on CD.

Audrey says:

“Essentially we are all Healers with wounds that need to be healed. The physical body acts as an intelligent bio-feedback system manifesting 
dis-ease and disharmony. I have created and recorded my meditations with the express design of delivering to the listener a healing experience in their own home, every time you listen to the CD. These personally crafted creative visualisations are not just relaxing, de-stressing and uplifting, they are also programmed with healing energy that can affect change within the listener on all levels - physically, emotionally and energetically. I want the listener to be able to take the healing process into their own hands and in this busy world, allow them to choose the right moment to receive inner healing, when it is most convenient.


CyberMonday Crackdowns, Current Tin Foil Hat Fears, DNA Bar Codes, Engineered Avian Flu,Trek Nation debuts.

Listen Now Dr. Future News 11.29.11

This week’s Dr.Future News is fraught full of cyber security issues, thanks to our times. The Feds are shutting down websites selling fake goods.  And now the Holy Grail for the ultimate tracking/id ability would be read one’s own DNA code, unique to you, no other ID required. Let’s get personal…

And while we are playing with DNA, a researcher in the Netherlands has created the recipe for deadly Avian Flu.. Should he be allowed to publish his research so that we can be prepared for a ‘worst case scenario’, or….what?  Join the conversation…

Oh yes, and Trek Nation debuts. The Trek world rising once again, this time as a new TV series..