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CyberMonday Crackdowns, Current Tin Foil Hat Fears, DNA Bar Codes, Engineered Avian Flu,Trek Nation debuts.

Listen Now Dr. Future News 11.29.11

This week’s Dr.Future News is fraught full of cyber security issues, thanks to our times. The Feds are shutting down websites selling fake goods.  And now the Holy Grail for the ultimate tracking/id ability would be read one’s own DNA code, unique to you, no other ID required. Let’s get personal…

And while we are playing with DNA, a researcher in the Netherlands has created the recipe for deadly Avian Flu.. Should he be allowed to publish his research so that we can be prepared for a ‘worst case scenario’, or….what?  Join the conversation…

Oh yes, and Trek Nation debuts. The Trek world rising once again, this time as a new TV series..

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