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News- Billionaires back Asteroid Mining Venture, Massive stores of African Water, Dark Matter vanishes, The Tech Challenge

Listen Now to the Dr. Future Show 4.24.12

It’s pretty exciting this week with the announcement of Planetary Resources, the first asteroid mining company on this planet.  We explore this development with the help of Dr. Bruce Damer, who has worked with NASA on developing asteroid landing craft, and some knowledgeable callers.  Ramifications of the massive amounts of African underground water discovered also caught our attention, as it did some callers.

The second part of the show takes us to The Tech Museum in San Jose, where you’ll hear Tim Ritchie, president of the Tech Museum and Richardo Benavidez, Senior Manager of Community Relations, at Cisco Systems discuss this amazing event (see previous post).  We also interview the girl’s team from Cupertino High School, named  “CRACK CITY,” about their experience of The Tech Challenge, where 1400 children from Grades 5-12 created robotic solutions for rescuing people who have fallen off a bridge like the Golden Gate during a massive Earthquake.

We finish the show with some disturbing info about the Android operating system and what might be done..



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