The Futures with co-host Gabrielle Cianfrani and guest Daniel Kottke. Project Starlink, Cloning Grumpy Cat, Doggo open source robot, Great Organic Coffee, Volcanoes vs Humans in Climate Change, andDan Kottke on the next big thing (Web Things) and early Apple/Steve Jobs stories.

Listen Now to The Future Show with Gaby and Dan 5.21.2019
Really fun show with “Jersey Girl” co-host Gabrielle Cianfrani and Daniel Kottke, Silicon Valley Apple pioneer. We Dan speaks of creating a smart house without having to connect to the big data collectors, like Google, Apple, and Amazon, using Mozilla’s latest architecture, and a plan with Steve Jobs to go to Antarctica before Apple was started.. We also talk about volcanos and climate change and direct communication with Nature. Enjoy!

Maker Faire Download, Mystery Star Weirdness, Bright Earth Flashes, Inherited Intelligence Study, Water Shed Ranger Kids in the Studio with a report
Listen Now to The Dr.Future Show 5.23.2017
It’s been a big week for us, with our Maker Faire show on KSCO’s Saturday Special with us and Michael Zwerling, currently on Youtube, with live video! And this week, we have some great stories from deep space, the ISS in Earth orbit, and ice particles in the upper atomosphere.
And in the last half hour of today’s show we have the WaterShed Rangers in the studio, 6th grade students from the San Lorenzo Valley Middle School, with their science teacher, Rachael Hager, and Mollie Behn, from the city of Santa Cruz’s Water Shed Council, who is director of the Watershed Rangers education programs for Santa Cruz County schools.
The kids give us a little health report on our beloved watershed, performing quite well on the radio, even though it is their first time on the air. Much thanks to Rachael and Mollie for making this happen and gratitude to the children for their efforts in researching and explaining the health of our watershed to us. Enjoy!