75 Future Now News - Cheap Fakes & Politics, Bobby & Kamila, Beyond Opioids, MRI study of Psilocybin

Now that US national politics is heating up, so are the cheap fakes being made of the candidates, making them heroic, silly, smart, stupid, you name it. Just for cheap fakes and poltitics and off you go. We discuss this a bit and look at what can be done. And since are politics up, Bobby reveals to us his encounters with Kamila Harris, when she was Attorney General in Californa.
Kamila Harris and Bobby Wilder
Opiods have been a serious issue for some time and there is some relief in the form of alternative pain drugs soon to hit the market. And in a study of psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, researchers have disovered more detail and how they may work, with the help of MRI imaging of the subject’s brains as they are tripping. Enjoy!
An MRI study finds that psilocybin can enhance neuroplasticity