SETI and Alien Technosignatures, Penrose on Life after Death, Orbiting Lunar Platform, FBI Uses Face ID, Report on Oculus 5, Special FX wizard Ethan Summers on the Opening of HubX, an immersive media center in Santa Cruz.

Listen Now to Dr. Future Show 10.02.2018
After our Future News we our corresponents Greg Panos and Richard Cray report on Oculus 5, a major conference on VR (Virtual Reality) last week in San Jose, with a focus on the Oculus platform. The biggest news there was the announcement of Oculus Quest, a stand-alone headset with no longer any need for a computer or wires, slated for a Spring 2019 release.
We then have Ethan Summers in the studio, an Emmy award-winning visual special effects wizard, now focused on opening a center in Santa Cruz dedicated to Immersive Media, known as HubX. It’ll be a place where visitors can have hands-on experiences with Virtual Reality and related immersive arts, and in the Makerspace tradition, learn to create one’s own stories in the new media. Enjoy!
L-R Greg Panos, Ethan Summers, Mrs. Future, Dr. Future, Richard Cray

Future News and Views - Congrats to Space-X, Starship Explosion, New Solar Activity, Monica on City Council Meeting, Greg Panos on AWE 2020 XR Expo,Beyond Zoom tools, HP VR, Dan Dan on Dr. Zacks on the Microbiome
Listen Now to Future News 6.2.20
A full show today, with news, both local and global. A big congrats to Space-X and their successful ferrying of humans to the ISS, just wow! Too bad about the Starship explosion, though it was half expected. Thanks to Monica McGuire for her report on our Santa Cruz City Council meeting, including plans for our slow re-opening of businesses locally.
And a special report from Greg Panos on Augmented World Expo 2020, covering such topics as new VR/AR hardware, social spaces like Alt Space, spatial io, and Alt Space. And good to hear from Shane, an Australian listener who loves our show and bringing our attention to Dr. Douglas Gentile, a renowned media psychologist at Iowa State University.
Dr. Dan Beilin checks in with an update on Covid, with some good conversations between him, us and Bobby Wilder, our science journalist co-host. We all got so engaged with our discussion about Dr. Zack’s work with the microbiome, we forgot it was the end of the show! Enjoy..