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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (955)


Dr. Future News -We were There and now You will be too. Where were you during the Venus Transit? And RU Ready to Immigrate to Mars?

Dr. Future News 6.5.12

The Venus Transit happened during the course of this show.  We take you to  a live telescope location at UCSC where our scientist on the spot, Joe Jordan, gives us a blow-by-blow account of the goddess orb’s journey across the vastness of the solar furnace.  

Other news includes the announcement of the Mars One project, where you have an opportunity to leave Earth for Mars, with a one way ticket..



Guest - Richard Maywood, RAF, ret. World War II Mosquito Tales

Listen Now to Richard Maywood

In honor of Memorial Day, we have Richard Maywood, Royal Air Force, ret., who shares with us some of his adventures and perspectives of what it was like to be in the Mosquito squadrons of WW II. They were, for example,  the fastest bombers of the time, made of wood for lightness, and could make it solo to Berlin and back to the UK in 4.5 hours, twice as fast as the U.S. B-17 flying fortresses with 1/10 the casualities.  A lifetime later, these adventures are still fresh in Richard’s mind, as you will hear..

 RAF Mosquito WW II Veterans



Dr. Future News - Dragon docks, Weaponized home drones, autonomous boat race, details on Apple's spaceship campus, solar record, the 3D Leap. 

Listen Now Dr. Future Show News 5.29.12

Our intrepid Future crew, including the Futures, Mr. Past, and young Ciaran take you on an exploratory journey of some important issues of our times, like the weaponization of home drones, and what we should do about it..Not to mention really cool stuff, like the Dragon rendezvous with the ISS! Enjoy..



Dr. Future News - Space X Dragon at ISS, Facebook IPO, Maker Faire, Eclipse, The Tyranny of Data caps, the latest in Augmented Reality

Listen Now to Dr. Future News, Maker Faire update,  and the latest on Augmented reality with guests Gregory Panos, Richard Cray, and young Ciaran Farley.  


Google Co-Founder Sergey Brin, sporting the lastest Augmented Reality prototype from Google’s Project Glass.


2012 Maker Faire Interviews

Dr. & Mrs. Future had a chance to visit the Maker Faire in San Mateo this weekend and bring you a few interviews with the creators of some amazing new projects and services.


Curious about bioCurious, the Bay Area’s first public biolab? Find out more from Kristina Hathaway, a co-founder of the lab.


Making bili lights for premie babies at the Maker Faire.  Find out more from Tim Z Falconer, the founder of this project to save young lives.


Meet creator Eric Rosenbaum and hear the Banana Keyboard Instrument at Makey Makey

 Inventor Dezso Molnar tells us about the Molnari GT, a flying motocycle helicopter.

Hear creator of the folding kayak, Anton Willis talk about his innovative design.