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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (956)


Dr. Future News - Mars update, Big Data gets Bigger, the Drone Revolution, Playa Thrival Tips

Listen Now to Dr. Future News 8.21.12

It’s nice to see Curiousity starting to do some serious work on the Martian landscape.  The onboard laser is quite powerful and very useful for analyzing rocks and such..Meanwhile, back on Earth, Big Data gets bigger with some major new tools from Google, and Drones get smaller, more capable, and in some cases, more lethal..

It’s Playa Time soon, so we interviewed some major Burners to help you not just survive but thrive out on the Black Rock Desert, tips on food, tech, clothes, and sex on the playa!



Dr. Future News - Curiousity Brain Transplant,Texting Contest, What's next for Brick and Mortar Stores, New human species, Future Food

Dr. Future News 8.12.12

Boy, what a week!  From Curiousity landing on Mars to the future of brick and mortar stores to new food options on the menu..Plus we are doing more remote broadcasting, now extensively using our home studio as we expand our horizons to new listeners online as well as on the airwaves.  

We particulary enjoyed doing the Future of Food report, as there are options there that, though initially somewhat revolting, can be quite inviting…hmmm….’tastes like chicken!’   

Let us know what you think!

:-) Dr. & Mrs. Future..


Mars Lander Mashup Video, Digibarn exhibit at the MAH, SciFi version of Shakespeare's Pericles, Durian Sex Cult

We combined the animation of the Martian Lander, Curiosity, with actual footage from the craft, as it lands on Mars:

Starting this Friday, the illustrious Digibarn will present the history of the Macintosh computer, with an exhibit at the MAH (Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History).  Dr. Bruce Damer gives us a preview..

Listen to Dr. Damer now..

Also of interest this week is the Shady Shakespeare’s performance of Pericles, a brilliantly original, funny, yet gripping performance of the master’s classic play.  Check it out by all means and though we were not allowed to film the play itself, we do have a video preview of the preshow, the Shady Shakespeare cast doing the Time Warp!   

Shady Shakespeare Company does the Time Warp!


We have also just finished at edit of a performance at Heart Kiss 2012 of the Durian Sex Cult, a new dance troupe in Santa Cruz.  In the following piece, 

 “The supreme Shiva is seduced by the divine Shakti with a little help from the magical powers of  the Durian fruit..”

Shiva is played by Santa Cruz’s own Corey Pooley



Guest - Michael Gosney 

Listen Now to Michael Gosney

Michael Gosney is a veteran “new edge” media producer and impresario whose productions and events have defined the emergent integrative culture for 25 years – from holistic health to deep ecology to small press publishing to new science to desktop publishing and multimedia to eco-cities to cyberculture to electronic music to the “transmodern tribalism” evolving in festival culture, intentional communities and new social and economic networks across the planet.


Birds confused by Human Power, Exploring GMOs, Gates Makes Fertilizer Obsolete, Designer Payloads for Mosquitos, Futurist Charles Ostman.

Dr.Future News 7.17.12

A rather engaging news hour today, if I don’t say so myself, with special guest, futurist Charles Ostman,  who gives us his take on the evolving worlds of DARPA, autonomous vehicles, the neural nature of the Internet, China, the Singularity, and the essential need for us to be part of today’s technological infrastructure.

Charles Ostman