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Dr. Future News - Dragon rules, selling your MP3's, the Astrocyte/Memory connection, Google's Billion Dollar Innovation giveaway, Steve Job Stories after One Year, Future of Movie Theaters, Dyson Spheres now be sought.

Dr. Future Show News 10.09.12

This week in the KOMY studio we discuss the Space X trip to the ISS, the legality of selling your MP3’s, Google’s Billion Dollar funding of Innovative Startups, untold stories of Steve Jobs on the first anniversary of his passing, the amazing Astrocytes in your brain,  the rise of Video on Demand, especially for Indie filmmmakers, current cryonic options for immortality, our extraterrestrial search for Dysan spheres, plus and sundry off hand topics and comments that muck with your belief system in a good way.  

The Dragon Capsule from Space-X docks with the International Space Station

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