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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (954)


Future Now News - Galactic Clusters, Lunar crash, Marsquake revelations, Elephant Seal underwater sleep spirals, the pain and pleasure of profit, and a giant sponge in the mantle with more water than all the oceans

Listen to Future Now News with Al & Sun Lundell and Bobby Wilder

This week we returned to the Santa Cruz Voice station, as our Rodecaster is replaced with a brand spanking new one!  It works, but we miss all of our music and presets. Nonetheless plenty to share with week, as we celebrate Hubble’s 33rd birthday in space, and revel in the afterglow of our very own SC Voice party!  

The most surprising thing for us this week was the revelation that there is a layer in the Earth’s mantle that likely holds more water than all the Earth’s oceans, up to three times more! How is this possible? Through heat, pressure, and a massive amount of material known as ringwoodlite, a kind of mineral sponge that can store water en masse.  How does this play with the hyrdological cycles of our weather? Many mysteries to be unveiled as this new, massive discovery is explored. 

We also enjoyed the UCSC research in sleep behavior of our local elephant seals, a fascinating study of these marine mammals, and their ability to sleep while spiralling down to over a thousand feet below the surface of the sea. Amazing, enjoy! 

There’s three times as much water below the surface than in the oceans


Future Now Show - Discussing the upcoming Body and Mind Longevity Summit with hosts Drs. Stephen Sideroff and Robert Lufkin; The Mayflower Revelations and Deeper History of America's Origins with Andrew Bailey and Connie Baxter Marlow

Listen to Future Now 4.18.2023

After our Future News we chat with the hosts of an upcoming conference that tackles the issue of longevity, aging, and the culprit known as inflammaging. Drs. Sideroff and Lufkin personally interviewd over 50 individuals for this summit, and much of the event can be accessed for free, April 25 - May 2, 2023.

We also speak with the newly married authors/filmmakers Andrew Bailey and Connie Baxtor Marlow about the deeper story behind the origins of America, love with a big L, and the modern emergence of what is now called “Unity consciousness.” For more info, check out their website and their books, such as “The Mayflower Revelations.”Enjoy!

Andrew Bailey and Connie Baxter Marlow


Future Now Interview - Kathryn Lukas and Dr. Bruce Damer

Listen Now to Future Now with Kathryn Lukas and Dr. Bruce Damer

Today we have the pleasure of chatting with Dr. Bruce Damer, a long time contributor to our show, and his new bride, Kathryn Lukas a pioneer in healthy eating and in new ways of creating and distributing food through our communities.  Today you’ll hear about Gutshot, the flagship fermentation product of Farmhouse Culture, a company Kathryn founded, how Bruce and Kathryn met, the significance of TikTok to those over 60, ferreting truth from fiction, and a new model of creating, serving, and distributing home-made tasty dishes and meals in our communities. Is this the future of food?  We think the ideas presented in today’s show will inspire you, enjoy!

L-R Allan Lundell, Sun Lundell, Kathryn Lukas, Bruce Damer


Future Now Show - Artemis/Starship Updates, Guests Dr. Ralph Abraham & T. Mike Walker on Hip Santa Cruz 6 Event, Wagyu Cultured Beef and the Replicator,Taylor Barcroft on the Rokid Max VR Glasses, Master Now checks in! 

It was our pleasure to interview T. Mike Walker and mathematician Dr. Ralph Abraham for this show, pioneers of the 1960’s counterculture, and editors of the new book, Hip Santa Cruz 6.  The latest in a series of magical tales from the early days of hip culture in Santa Cruz, this volume explores the start of Rock & Roll, the first organic gardens, Huey P. Newton’s USCS Dissertation, and ‘mind-blowing truths.’ For our show, Ralph relates a telepathic story of swimming with John Lilly’s dolphins, and what they had to say to him. And if you want to see the folks who wrote all these stories, be sure to check out live readings from the latest volume at the Santa Cruz Art League, 526 Broadway, Santa Cruz, CA Saturday afternoon, April 8, 2023, 3-5 p.m.
Lots to share this week, from Space News to AR glasses and bio-printed Wagyu beef, enjoy!
The cover of the latest book in the Hip Santa Cruz series

Future Now - The Glassy Water of Luna, The AI Genie is Bottle Free, Utopias Worth Considering, Big Solar Events, 1000 km Tesla Batteries 

Listen to Future Now 3.28.2023

Early scientists thought the dark stretches of the moon might be oceans, called ‘marias,’ latin for sea.  Well, it turns out there is a lot of water on the lunar surface, not as oceans but stored in billions of glass beads strewn across the surface of the moon, 300 billion tons, according to one estimate, and relatively easy to harvest!

We look at the latest AI insights this week and gear up for an experiment with none other than Billy Sunshine and “Blows Against the Empire.” And if the AI’s can help make our dreams come true, what utopian world would be to our liking? We look a couple of famous Utopias, H.G. Well’s “A Modern Utopia,” and Robert A. Heinlein’s “For Us, The Living.”

There is also a lot of solar activity happening in the next weeks and months and Bobby outlines some preparations for particle bombardment you may wish to consider.  If your phone starts acting crazy, try to tune into this episode before it fritzes out. 

And there is really  a battery breakthrough happening, to be released with new Teslas later this year, batteries that can last a thousand kilometers, and charge faster! The CATL batteries may soon be in many other EV’s as well. Fasten your seatbelts and ENJOY the ride!

A new large geomagnetic storm in formation