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Entries in passionate living (3)


103 Future Now Show Podcast - Cameo with Cat Miller and Rifat Chowdhury from "Passionate Living TV", Interview with Annelise Schinzinger on her new book "Ayahuasca, Opening to the Mysteries"

Listen Now to 103 Future Now Show

When creating our show, our guests are usually in their home environments, connected to us via Zoom or Facetime. But this week our mountaintop ‘fortress of solitude’ was visited by not one but three live guests in our studio at the same time! First up was a brief but wonderful check in by the Passionate Living TV folks, Catherine Miller and Rifat Chowdhury visiting from Buffalo, NY. They were here in California for a film festival and recording of future stories for their award-winning series on passionate lifestyles. 

And author Annelise Schinzinger made it up the hill to chat with us about her new book documenting her pioneering experiences in South America with Ayahuasca, a psychoactive brew used by Amazonian tribes for spiritual and healing purposes. Annelise’s experiences go back to the 1970’s, way before Ayahuasca was known  in North America.  I was particularly fascinated by her understanding of “burracheira,” the field of consciousness created by those sharing an Ayahuasca experience. It is also worth noting that she was the Portugese translater for scientist Dennis McKenna in his field research while in Brazil. She takes us on a most fascinating and insightful journey into some of the deeper mysteries of life and death. Enjoy!



26 Future Now Show - On the Road Interview - Catherine Miller on Passionate Living in Buffalo, NY

Listen Now to Catherine Miller

This week we find ourselves in Buffalo, NY where we speak with TV  producer Catherine Miller about social media censorship, serving the highest good, empathetic conflict resolution, working with today’s youth, and her hallmark show, Passionate Living, devoted to showing how people heal and help  each other in communities across the nation and around the world.  We think you’ll find her very engaging, one of those persons whom, if you know her, you love her. You will also meet Rifat, her media assistant, who asks some questions about today’s sexuality issues towards the end. Enjoy!

L-R Allan & Sun Lundell with Catherine Miller at Niagara Falls


The Futures Interview - Catherine Miller on the Art and Science of Passionate Living Now

Listen Now to Catherine Miller on Passionate Living

Catherine “Cat” Miller is a nationally acclaimed publisher, spokesperson and consultant in the field of wellness and was the publisher of the Holistic Health Journal.  She is the founder of Passionate Livinga media company that inspires viewers to “fall in love with their lives.”

In our interview we look back on a few of her life’s adventures and explore just what she means by passionate living and how we may apply what she has gleaned on the topic to our lives.  

We had first met her about 15 years ago when she moved from New York to LA, in the transition from publishing a print publication, the Holistic Health Journal, to her Passionate Living multimedia career. After being out of contact since then, we finally catch up with her and see what’s up! 

Of immediate interest is her co-faciliation of an online workshop on the “Power of Sensuality,” about cultivating ‘sensual intelligence’ as a means of generating more passion, intimacy, and creativity in you life. Knowing her, believe it! Enjoy..

Catherine Miller with the timber wolf North, at Future Peak. photo-Reno DeCaro