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Entries in ayahuasca (3)


103 Future Now Show Podcast - Cameo with Cat Miller and Rifat Chowdhury from "Passionate Living TV", Interview with Annelise Schinzinger on her new book "Ayahuasca, Opening to the Mysteries"

Listen Now to 103 Future Now Show

When creating our show, our guests are usually in their home environments, connected to us via Zoom or Facetime. But this week our mountaintop ‘fortress of solitude’ was visited by not one but three live guests in our studio at the same time! First up was a brief but wonderful check in by the Passionate Living TV folks, Catherine Miller and Rifat Chowdhury visiting from Buffalo, NY. They were here in California for a film festival and recording of future stories for their award-winning series on passionate lifestyles. 

And author Annelise Schinzinger made it up the hill to chat with us about her new book documenting her pioneering experiences in South America with Ayahuasca, a psychoactive brew used by Amazonian tribes for spiritual and healing purposes. Annelise’s experiences go back to the 1970’s, way before Ayahuasca was known  in North America.  I was particularly fascinated by her understanding of “burracheira,” the field of consciousness created by those sharing an Ayahuasca experience. It is also worth noting that she was the Portugese translater for scientist Dennis McKenna in his field research while in Brazil. She takes us on a most fascinating and insightful journey into some of the deeper mysteries of life and death. Enjoy!



Dr. Future News - Mars One recruiting Colonists, Ayahuasca treatment for Drug Addiction, E tatoos for monitoring mind/body, Spaceship Two Flies high and fast, Inner and outer world expansion, Hijack the Starship

Listen Now to Dr. Future News 4.30.13

A very dynamic show today with lots of interesting news and callers. With an eye and progress being made in both outer and inner space, we speculate about a potential inter connection between the two domains, and get turned on to some music and story from Jefferson Starship by caller Billy Sunshine on hijacking the starship.

Meanwhile Mars One is really beginning it’s recruitment for Mars colonists, with a deadline for applications by August 31, 2013.  And Ayahuasca is really being used for treating serious drug narcotic drug addictions (see just posted interview with Canadian research Phillippe Lucas. 

One of our callers was fascinated by last week’s story about Google Fiber, and begins more research on it’s potential impact on the industry.. We share his latest info..

Fun show, with much thought provoking material.  Enjoy, and Happy May!



Interview with Philippe Lucas, MA - Ayahuasca use in Drug Addiction

Listen now to Philippe Lucas

Philippe Lucas is a Research Affiliate with the Center for Addictions Research of British Columbia and a founding Board member of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studios Canada and the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition.  His research interests, projects, and publications include the use of cannabis, ibogain, and ayahuasca in the treatment of addiction. 

In this interview with Dr. Future (Al Lundell) he speaks especially about his latest research with Ayahuasca and serious addiction treatment with First Nations of Canada and the indigeous Shipibo of the Amazon rain forest. A fascinating cross-cultural success experiment, intersecting Science and Shamanism..

Recorded at the Psychedelic Science 2013 Conference April 18, 2013 in Oakland, California.