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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (954)


18 Future Now - Solar Power from Space, Decoding Alien Signal, Nvidia hits $1 Trillion valuation, Aptosian Mastodon Mystery, Bruce Erickson is Defrauded Online and lives to warn us

As May fades into summertime, warm weather returns and we hang more in the great outdoors.  And we are  using our phones more than ever for transactions as we travel, and can be seduced by various fraudsters and their shenanigans. This week we speak with our alternative health correspondant, Bruce Erkson, after a months long ordeal involving Internet phone fraud from Ghana, the new pirate haven for online chicanery. His is a cautionary tale well worth hearing, as you too could be  next, especially as AI is applied to creating more sophisticated means of stealing identities and fleecing the human flock… 
We also have some great space news and look at how nVidia is benefiting from the current AI craze. Enjoy!
Beware of AI Enhanced Internet Scams!

17 Future Now Show - A Sign from Space, New Alien Theory, Axiom on ISS, Master Now recites AI poetry on the Futures, Sam David on Sound Healing

A fun show today, on the eve of SETI’s “A Sign in Space,” experiment from Mars, challenging citizen scientists to decipher an alien transmission coming from Martian orbit. This inspired call-ins on the alien theme, including a new idea on how and why they would come visit the likes of us.  
Also of significance this week is our interview with shamanic sound healer Sam David, who educates us onSam David -Sound Healer his craft and demonstrates his throat singing and digeridoo skills.  The sounds were so potent that our internet connection was interrupted by their presence! Fortunately there is editing, which was necessary to give you the full experience of his demo!  For those new to the concept, sound healing is the use of specific instruments, music, tones, and other sonic vibrations to balance and heal the body, mind, and spirit. It involves using specialized sound frequencies to create a therapeutic atmosphere to promote deep rest, nervous system rebalancing, and emotional release.
In the final segment of today’s show, Master Now checks in from Georgia and recites a poem about Dr. and Sunny Future, with a little help from ChatGPT.. Enjoy!

16_Future Now - JWST finds copious water around mysterious comet, Final Cut Pro on iPad, Gama Waves Counter Depression, Author Paul Gotel on Humans 3.0

Listen to Future Now 5.16.2023

 It looks like the M1 & M2 iPads Pro and Air will support full Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro audio/video editing soon, another sign of how tablets are rapidly replacing laptops as the workhorse of personal computing. Our Apple guy, Taylor Barcroft gives us the update, as well as what to expect at Apple’s WWDC conference, coming up next month.  In Space News, the JWST checks out an asteroid belt comet that has lots of water and does not appear to come from where most comets arise. While closer to home a mysterious ultra low frequency noise has been detected in our atmosphere..While inside our heads a new study found that resotring certain signals in the brain that process smell can counter depression. Gamma signals in the olfactory bulb can alter emotions!

Our guest this week, visionary Paul GotelFor most of the show today we feature visionary explorer/DJ/ author/ speaker Paul Gotel and his concept of “Humans 3.0,” a vibrant, healthy, abundant view of humanity, and how we get there. His book is called, “The Big U - A guide to Self Revolution,” a guidebook offered to anyone who is “tired of living small” and is ready to “take the big step to revolutionize their life.”    And considering that both myself and Mrs. Future have been on global adventures with Paul to amazing places like UK crop circles and pyramids in Egypt, we whole heartedly appreciate his insights into the nature of how best to create a magical existence for us all on Earth while we are here. Enjoy!



Future Now Show - Planet gulped down by Star, Star Spagettified by Black hole, New Nuke power in Wyoming, Rocket Lab Launches tiny weather cubesats, Virgin Galactic next to launch, Blue Origin picks up pace, Uranus water moons discovered, Snake robot to explore ice moons, Longevity Hacks, White House Announces AI Bill of Rights 

Listen to Future Now 5.09.2023

It appears the cycle of life exists even on the cosmic level with planets absorbed by stars and stars swallowed by black holes.  Quite fascinating stories this week on this topic.  We also have an update on the latest adventures of our favorite space companies and their launches.  And new analysis of data about Uranus suggest many water moons surrounding that gas planet, with NASA building a snake-like serpentine robot for exploring such ice worlds.  You’ll love our longevity hacks for the week, especially if you take a ‘cold plunge’, and the White House is taking AI very seriously with a summit of AI leaders convening at the White House and announching an AI Bill of rights.  Enjoy!

The 200-pound robot is designed to maneuver both across ice and underwater. NASA/JPL-CALTECH


Future Now Show - Starship Crash Analysis, Voyager 1 and 2 get more juice, Future of Libraries, AI/Human Mind reading (for real), Party excerpts, Longevity Conf Clips and Analysis with Master Now 

Listen to Future Now 5.02.2023

Starship taking offThis week we are back in our home studio, though because of the inclement weather and failing solar, generator, and battery power, we a operating our entire studio on a tiny backup generator (Honda 2000i).  Despite our production challenges, the show came out quite well, with call-ins, including Billy Sunshine. Both Bobby Wilder and Master Now gave us a detailed analysis of some of the content from this week’s excellent online Longevity Conference, with clips from Peter Diamandis, Bruce Lipton, and Aubrey de Grey.   Enjoy!

Brain Activity Decoder Transforms Thoughts Into Text