32 Future Now Show - Bennu Asteroid Return, Egyptian Synchronistic Activations, Bruce Lipton Navigates the Field, Firebot Saves Lives, 'Be My AI' for the Blind, Stem Cells regenerate the eye in treating RP, AI and the Writers
Thursday, September 28, 2023

Its a grand time for NASA, with their first successful return from space of a robotic craft carrying samples from Bennu, a near Earth asteroid that may have an impact with our planet in the not-to-distant future. Our scientists are excited about the what this pristine payload of space rubble may reveal about the formation of our solar system, billions of years ago, and perhaps it may also contain clues as to the origin of biological life.
Hey, maybe we came from it, when it passed by Earth billions of years ago!

And this week in Future News, we report on Firebot, the Fireman’s trusty bot, Bruce Lipton on energy, “Be My AI” and Stem cell treatment for those dealing with blindness related to Retinitis Pigmentosa. We also explain how AI was part of the recent Writer’s Strike. Enjoy!