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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (954)


28 Future Now Show - on the road with guest Irene Lambert (Mom) and Interview with Ted Fairhurst, author of "Dare to Reach"

Listen to Future Now with Irene Lambert and Ted Fairhurst

We actually had some bandwidth this week, out here in the wilds of Canada, and were able to do this show live. Naturally for the podcast we’ve dramatically improved it in many ways, with sound fx, edits and additions to The Futures with Mothermake the show flow well and be more entertaining.  To help discuss this week’s Future stories, we have Bobby Wilder, our science correspondent in San Francisco, and Irene Lambert in Montreal, who just happens to be Dr. Future’s  Bio-mom! She just turned 93, but doesn’t miss a beat in our high-paced, hi-browTed Fairhurst during our on the road interview conversations. Our disussion on the Maui wildfire, for example, covers insights gained from our collective  personal experiences with California and the big Canada wildfires this year.  Also of interest this week is our interview with Ted Fairhust, an adventurer who has summited the highest peaks and volcanos in every continent in his 60’s and 70’s! He’s written a book on his experiences, “Dare to Reach,” and is one healthy inspired spirit! Enjoy..


27 The Future Now Show - on the road - Interview with Dr. Stephen Sideroff on his book, "THE PATH: Mastering the Nine Pillars of Resilience and Success"

Listen Now to Dr. Stephen Sideroff

This week we find ourselves on a remote mountain lake island, in the Laurentian Mountains of Quebec, Canada.  It is in this tranquil location that we connect with Dr. Stephen Sideroff, an internationally recognized psychologist, executive and medical consultant and expert in resilience, optimal performance, addiction, neurofeedback, leadership, and mental health

Can we really live as if this is Heaven on Earth, or is that simply a pipe dream of the new age?  Dr. Siderfoff shares is life’s work with us, currently embodied in his tome, “THE PATH: Mastering the Nine Pillars of Resilience and Success.”  We also discuss his latest seminar with experts in the field of longevity. Enjoy!

Dr. Stephen Sideroff and Sun Lundell (Mrs. Sunny Future) in Lac-des-Seize-Îles


26 Future Now Show - On the Road Interview - Catherine Miller on Passionate Living in Buffalo, NY

Listen Now to Catherine Miller

This week we find ourselves in Buffalo, NY where we speak with TV  producer Catherine Miller about social media censorship, serving the highest good, empathetic conflict resolution, working with today’s youth, and her hallmark show, Passionate Living, devoted to showing how people heal and help  each other in communities across the nation and around the world.  We think you’ll find her very engaging, one of those persons whom, if you know her, you love her. You will also meet Rifat, her media assistant, who asks some questions about today’s sexuality issues towards the end. Enjoy!

L-R Allan & Sun Lundell with Catherine Miller at Niagara Falls


25 Future Now Show - Interview on the road with Penny Kelly, founder of Conscious Living Institute

Listen Now to Penny Kelly

In our journey cross continent, we stop for a couple of days at Lilly Hill Farms, in Lawton, Michigan, home of famed psychic, consciousness pionee, automotive engineer, author and farmer, Penny Kelly.  Ever since her Kundalini awakening 40 years ago, in which she became aware and in communication with the bigger ‘movie’ in which we are all in, she has been helping people connect with their higher, truer, and more real selves.  With her work more online these days, she still lives at her beautiful retreat center and farm in rural Michigan, away from the noise and thought forms of today’s modern metropolitan areas.  In our podcast she shares with us some of her journey, including her initial awakening experience, communication with other dimensional beings, her understaning of the stages of consciousness development, and how not to get ‘lost in the soup.’ We had a lot of fun learning with her and we think you will too! Enjoy!

L-R Allan & Sun Lundell, Penny Kelly


24_Future Now Show - On the Road- In Truckee, CA with designer Gingi Medina and somaticist Julia Bystrova

Listen Future Now Show in Truckee

We have begun our summer vacation! First stop is in Truckee, CA, where we caught up with organic clothing designer Gingi Medina and her beloved, Cia, at their summer cabin, near the beautiful Donner Lake, in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Also on a summer adventure, our somatic therapist friend, Jewel, rendezvoused with us as well for the  first podcast of our trip.  

This has got to be one of our more dynamic shows, covering several important topics, which include  healing as an undoing process, healthy clothing, makinge anything out of anything, nature-based creation,  Building sacredness into modern communities, scaling ancient ways, Nature communications, relating to Bears, processing trauma, ancestral trauma, microdosing and accounting for misunderstandings. Whew, a lot to cover, but we think you’ll enjoy it!

L-R Gingi, Cia, Sun, Jewel