23_FutureNow_InterdependenceDay2023 - Balancing your ying/yang, Tumor Burgers for your health, Yoganda and Jesus, Martian Freedom, Lucid Dreams and I, Jenwah invokes the I Am Presence

Listen to 23_Future Now Show - Interdependence Day 2023
Welcome to our warm July 4th celebration and toasty topics for today, including a powerful ‘channeling’ by Jenwah Panther Invoking the I Am Presenceof the I Am presence in invoking heaven on earth for us all. With Gabrielle in NJ and Bobby, currently in Oregon, we have a full spectrum summer show, from the latest in lab grown meat to comparing Yogananda with Jesus, waking up in dreams, and what Mars Dune Alpha means to Dr. Future. And if you are curious about what we mean by a galactic meditation, listen to the very end of the show! Enjoy!