21 Future Now Show - Otter Surfer, Titan tensions, Tilting the Earth, Enceladus Organic Discovery, Cloud Seeding update,Bioluminescent Brain, Blame - the no win game, Mercury Flyby, Geothermal Energy Achieved at Eden Project
Thursday, June 22, 2023

By the time you hear this, the Titan/Titanic drama will have reached his sad end, a story that gripped the world this week. Fortunately, we have good news as well, such as a surfing Otter, here in Santa Cruz, evidence of phosphorous on Saturn’s moon, Enceladus, a compound essential for life as we know it, and new closeups of the planet Mercury, as Europe’s Bipi-Columbo flys by, in a braking maneuver. We have an argument about the Earth’s tilt and cloud seeding, and discuss the amazing geothermal breakthrough at UK’s Eden Project, paving the way for geothermal energy everywhere, even in areas remote from volcanic activity! A fun show, enjoy!

Otter Surfer,
the Earth's tilt,
titan in
Space News,
talk radio