19 Future Now Show - Psyche Mission is On, Greg Panos & Richard Cray on Augmented World Expo 2023 and our collective take on the Apple Vision Pro!

Listen to Future Now 6.06.2023 XR
The virtual and augmented worlds got a double boost this week, with the Augmented World Expo in Santa Clara and the revealing of the Apple Vision Pro headset. Apple’s vision of the XR future is markedly different from the leader in that space, Meta, with a focus more on augmented than virtual reality and higher end resolution and graphics, amongst many other things. To help evaluate the latest and greatest in these worlds, we have in studio, Greg Panos, a pioneer o augmented and virtual reality, Richard Cray, an accomplished vr/ar performance artist, Taylor Barcroft, our Future Now Apple correspondent, and Bobby Wilder our science correspondent. We think you’ll really appreciate a lttle ditty about Apple’s new headset we created with a little help from Richard’s singing and Greg’s prompting of Perplexity.ai. Enjoy!