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Entries in tech news (26)


Future News - Sun Reviews VR Gem "Dear Angelica" while AL visits ISS, Dragon Delivers Science Experiments, Matrix Reboots, Buzz on Mars, A Radical Rethink of the Brain, Nanowire Retinal Implants, Russians, Lies, and Political Intrigue

Listen Now to Future News 3.21.2017

It’s Mrs. Future’s birthday today and we see “Hamilton” after the show! (which was fantastic). We also had a whirlwind trip to LA and back, where among other things we had a chance to check out some of the latest VR titles, including “Dear Angelica,” and a little tour of the International Space Station. This dovetails nicely with the reboot of the Matrix film and the just released Mars tour by astronaut Buzz Aldrin!

We also discuss the newest bioengineered retinal implant and look at a radical rethink of how the brain works, while fielding input from some of our favorite callers, delving more into Trump, Russians, alternative health, and beyond!  Enjoy..





Future News - Report and Recommendations from Cinequest VR Festival, Blue Origin's New Glenn Heavy Lifter, Billionaire Investing in Singularity, Breakthrough in Revivication, VR pioneer Jean Yves Chainon on Social VR, A Closer Look at the WikiLeaks CIA Release

Listen Now to Future News 3.07.2017

We had a lot of fun this weekend attending the Cinequest Film and VR Festival in Silicon Valley.  Actually, we just attended the VR Fest..not that we don’t like films, its just that there was so much cool stuff with VR that we just didn’t have time for anything else!  So, the first part of today’s show is all about what we saw at the festival, with our recommendations.  At the 45 min mark, we ask VR creator Jean Yves Chainon about the future of social VR and who is in that world.

We also spent a considerable amount of time exploring the Vault 7 Wikileaks releases on the CIA and their Year Zero exploits this week. What a treasure trove with lots of implications! Listener Col Terry called in to remind us how serious this breach is..What do you think?  Enjoy..


Future News - Big Solar Flares, First Commercial Drone Deliveries, Advances in Machine Learning, De-Extinction and the Real Jurassic World, Body part recognition, When Machines Dream, Generating photos out of Nothing. 

Listen Now to Dr. Future Show 6.23.2015

In the heat of the summer from the shores of Lake Union in the town of Seattle, we have much news to share. After years of delay, the first commecial drones will soon be delivering cargo in the US, thanks to a process known as ‘de-extinction,’ long dead species like wooly mammoths and saber-toothed tigers will soon be resurrected, advances in machine learning will identify us in many different poses, with good shots of our face, and artificial neural networks can now ‘dream.’  A fun show full of sci fi becoming real!

Through a process called ‘inceptionism’ this image was dreamed up by a computer.


E3 Begins, Fully Autonomous Car Fleet for US by 2025, AR VR Report by pundit Agent Greg Panos.

Listen Now to Dr. Future Show 6.16.2015

It is the summer, we are on the road, but the show continues, as there are many new amazing things to report.  We were quite impressed with a paper by Zack Kanter entitled “How Uber’s Autonomous Cars will Destroy 10 Million Jobs and Reshape the Exonomy by 2025,” and spend some time discussing it.  

This is a big week for Virtual and Augmented Reality fans, with the AWE 2015 and E3 events unfolding.  To bring us up to speed here we have our favorite pundit Greg Panos on deck, to help us make sense of it all! Enjoy!

Oculus’s forthcoming consumer virtual-reality headset, Rift, with new 3D controllers


Future News - Heard of the Outernet? The Return of Vinyl Records, 3D Made in Space, Better Living Through DIY ElectroStimulation.

Listen Now to Future News 12.02.14

A very interactive show this week, with many callers weighing in on the return of vinyl story.  Do records literally sound better to you?  You aren’t the only one!  But who wants to turn over a record every 23 minutes?  Caller Bobby shares us how we can get richer sound with tube preamps, and then takes us into the world of DIY Electrostimulation, a promising new way of using electromagnetic brain stimulation for learning and creativity.  Caller Michael continues the conversation while plugged live into a Brain Stimulator tDCS Device.  A very fun show!