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Entries in tech news (26)


86 Future Now Show - Election High/Low Lights, Fav Propositions, Planet of the Mice, ISS Voting, Dwarf 3 new giant among amateur astrophotographers/UAP Hunters, Fun with new AI Agent, NASA Lunar South Pole Landing Sites Chosen  

Given where we are how could we not have our version of an election show? Well, we did include some election stories, but with results (from the future, of course!) And a talkative AI to help us with the finer points.  And a story on how the astronauts on the ISS got their votes in on time, without resorting to paper ballots! 
The Dwarf 3, the world’s smallest smartest telescope so far!
Also highlighted this week is our AI ‘Larry and Mary” story on stem cell hybridization of our species; also a look at the Dwarf 3, a $500 smart telescope that blew us away with it’s portability and quality shooting of the cosmos, and a look at NASA’s choice of Lunar South Pole landing spots for the manned Artemis III mission coming up in a few years.  Enjoy!
Artemis III Moon Landing Regions

82 Future Now - Hacking AI's for fun, U-2 Explores Nuclear Thunderstorms, Dynamic 3D Navigation of Milky Way, Exciting Fruit Fly Brain Map, Michael Mercury Astrology, Andrew B and Connie BM on their new Australian film, First signs of Apple Intelligence, 6th Sense discovered in Geckos

The most fun AI Hack of the week was fooling Google NotebookLM’s virtual talk show hosts into thinking that they were humans that discovered they were actually AI’s, and it was time to turn off. A hilarious comedic skit!
 Also fascinating this week is NASA’s discovery that large thunderstorms are emitting gamma radiation! They discovered this by flying a repurposed U-2 spy plane over many thunderstorms with very sensitive radiation detectors. What could this mean?  What’s fun to play with now is a detailed 3D navigable map of our very own Milky Way Galaxy, courtesy of the Euopean Space Organization.
New 3D Map of Milky Way Galaxy
If you enjoyed  exploring Google Earth, you’ll love checking out our galaxy! And speaking of cool maps, there is the first complete 3D map of a fruit fly brain, with 60% shared DNA with humans! Over ten years in the making this interactive map/simulator of brain function will no doubt blaze a fiery trail of cognitive understanding..
Stunning 3D map of Fruit Fly Brain
Also in this episode we feature exerpts from two full length interviews we recently conducted with Michael Mercury, noted astrologer and deep thinker, and consciousnes documentary team, Andrew Bailey and Connie Baxter Marlow, just back from Australia where they were conducting interview for their latest film, “In Search of the Future, the only way out is up!”   Enjoy!

78 Future Now Podcast - Sun in Portugal, Taylor on iPhone 16/Watch 10, Monterey Bay Anchovy Frenzy, Bruce McHenry on FediForum for free, open, decentralized social networks.

Listen Now to 78 Future Now

This week we hear from my dear wife and co-partner of this podcast, Sun (aka Mrs. Future) from Portugal, where she is traveling with her sister on a family adventure.  Taylor Barcroft then brings us up-to-date on all the latest and greatest offerings from Apple Computer, particularly the iPhone 16 models and the Series 10 Watch. (hint - if you are into photography, the Pro and Pro Max are your best options).  

If you are curious about the feeding frenzy in the Montery Bay lately, it’s the large anchovy schools of fish feeding the other critters, from dolphins and whales to birds, otters, and sea lions. Sounds good for the creatures, but there is this little thing (that has happened before) called an anchovy die-off that has ecological consequences..

A feeding frenzy in Seabird and marine mammal feeding frenzy in Monterey Bay

MIT educated Bruce McHenry checks in, not so much for discussing his speciality, transportation, but to inform us of the Fediverse and their latest forum on breaking walled gardens open and connecting them into a free, open and decentralized social network. This could change the way you relate (or likely not relate) to social media. Meet the people that want to do this..Enjoy!


74 Future Now Podcast - Space X Grounded, 2K mile batteries, Fast Cheap Home Solar Tech Report, Miss AI Crowned, Personal Dark Webb Report, Internet Scam Download with Luigi Obido 

Listen to 74 Future Now Podcast


This is the weeked following former president Trump’s assasination attempt, so we start with a few comments on that scene.  It was also sad that Space X lost a full payload of Starlink satellites..On a lighter front, we look at how in the ever loving world we could have an AI beauty contest and who won.  Bobby and Taylor check in with a report on their brand X (Solix F3800) Tesla type Powerwall project (for a third the price), Bobby shares his excitement about a new 2K mile car battery.  The second hour was dedicated to what our local computer repair genius, Luigi Oppido, has discovered about Internet Scams and what you can do about them if you have been engaged by them. Much to look out for, such as gift card scams, the fine art of social engineering, and the crazy scam world of ‘pig butchering.’  Watch out, and..enjoy the show!

The Futures with our guest Luigi Oppido on Internet Scams



62 Future Now Podcast - Living Solar Panels, Llama 3 freely available, Messages from Voyager, Light Sail 3 Launched, Dune 2 & Antisocial Network reviews, Our view of venture capitalist Vinod Khosla's world changing predictions, AI $$ ideas, jokes, and blended coffee!

A promising future lies in potential symbiotic relationships between our tech and nature.  A example of theat lies with the use of algae in the generation of energy from solar panels.  And…how might the climate change gas of methane be actually useful in making things better for us and our planet?  This week, the Planetary Society’s latest Solar Sail spacecraft is now in orbit, and if successful, could pave the way for easy and cheap travel to other planets..slow but steady.. We were inspired by Nina Paley’s review of the new Dune 2 movie and had to share some quotes with you. And while on the movie front, Mrs. Future had some profound things to say about the Netflix documenatry, “The Antisocial Network,” about the history of 4chan and how it led to the QAnon conspiracy theory and the January 6th riots. Nothing to think about there :-) . 
We also discuss some of the big future predictions of venture capitalist Vinod Khosla, such as how expertise will soon be free and we’ll all use AI agents for getting information.  And there are our initial experiments to see how the AI’s can make $$ for us, including the use of humor.  Also  this week we enlisted the free ‘expertise’ of coffee entrepreneur Gabrielle Cianfrani in evaluating AI’s foray into coffee blending, and it’s somewhat atypical choices.  Enjoy!
AI creates a new kind of coffee blend that is very tasty