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Entries in tech news (26)


35 Future Now Show - eHang takes off, FBOT Mystery, Plastic eating microbes, Metaverse glassholes, Serene Corps and WP1, Methylene Blue, and guests Jungle Girl, Free Energy Bob, and Master Now

This week we podcast live from the post party of Dr. Future’s birthday in Aptos, CA.  In studio guests include Jungle Girl, Master Now, and Free Energy Bob, as well as Al & Sun, with Bobby Wilder.  A lot of humor in this show, so be prepared to laugh!   We also cover some Dr. Future’s favorite topics, such as the latest eVTOL success, mysterious explosions in space, solving the plastics pollution problem, a radically exclusive inclusives club, and an intro to Methylene Blue for many a malady. Enjoy!
A mysterious massive explosion between Galaxies

33 Future Now Show - Maui DEW, Nobel in at Attosecond, Behold the Sphere, National Emergency System Test, Wireless Power Update, Fairy Circles Scrutinized, Digital Analog Memory Computation

Listen to Future Now Wireless 

 It’s not often that a level-headed engineer would take on conspiracy theory ideas like Maui’s fires were due to directed energy weapons from orbit.  And hey, we are lucky to have an investigation of this concept, and I think you will find his conclusions to be satisfying.  Also of interest in the energy department are the advancements happening in the world of wireless energy. Not simply in terms of charging your car, but also providing Gigawatts of power from space!  And we take a closer look at the wireless emergency alert system, with an experiment we did with iPhones and Androids.

 Also this week, the Nobel prize for physics went to scientists who are slicing time into attoseconds, a billionth of a billionth of a second, so that we may have clearer views of what is happening on the molecular and atomic realms of universe.  And we look at the new evidence suggesting widespread creation of fairy circles on the planet.  Bobby shares more info on his infra-red healing experiments and we explore the finding of fresh carbon molecules on the surface of Europa. What could this mean?  Enjoy!

The Las Vegas Sphere illuminated at night





19 Future Now Show - Psyche Mission is On, Greg Panos & Richard Cray on Augmented World Expo 2023 and our collective take on the Apple Vision Pro! 

Listen to Future Now 6.06.2023 XR

The virtual and augmented worlds got a double boost this week, with the Augmented World Expo in Santa Clara and the revealing of the Apple Vision Pro headset. Apple’s vision of the XR future is markedly different from the leader in that space, Meta, with a focus more on augmented than virtual reality and higher end resolution and graphics, amongst many other things.  To help evaluate the latest and greatest in these worlds, we have in studio, Greg Panos, a pioneer o augmented and virtual reality, Richard Cray, an accomplished vr/ar performance artist, Taylor Barcroft, our Future Now Apple correspondent, and Bobby Wilder our science correspondent.  We think you’ll really appreciate a lttle ditty about Apple’s new headset we created with a little help from Richard’s singing and Greg’s prompting of  Enjoy!

L-R Richard Cray, Allan Lundell, Sun Lundell, Gregory Panos


17 Future Now Show - A Sign from Space, New Alien Theory, Axiom on ISS, Master Now recites AI poetry on the Futures, Sam David on Sound Healing

A fun show today, on the eve of SETI’s “A Sign in Space,” experiment from Mars, challenging citizen scientists to decipher an alien transmission coming from Martian orbit. This inspired call-ins on the alien theme, including a new idea on how and why they would come visit the likes of us.  
Also of significance this week is our interview with shamanic sound healer Sam David, who educates us onSam David -Sound Healer his craft and demonstrates his throat singing and digeridoo skills.  The sounds were so potent that our internet connection was interrupted by their presence! Fortunately there is editing, which was necessary to give you the full experience of his demo!  For those new to the concept, sound healing is the use of specific instruments, music, tones, and other sonic vibrations to balance and heal the body, mind, and spirit. It involves using specialized sound frequencies to create a therapeutic atmosphere to promote deep rest, nervous system rebalancing, and emotional release.
In the final segment of today’s show, Master Now checks in from Georgia and recites a poem about Dr. and Sunny Future, with a little help from ChatGPT.. Enjoy!

16_Future Now - JWST finds copious water around mysterious comet, Final Cut Pro on iPad, Gama Waves Counter Depression, Author Paul Gotel on Humans 3.0

Listen to Future Now 5.16.2023

 It looks like the M1 & M2 iPads Pro and Air will support full Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro audio/video editing soon, another sign of how tablets are rapidly replacing laptops as the workhorse of personal computing. Our Apple guy, Taylor Barcroft gives us the update, as well as what to expect at Apple’s WWDC conference, coming up next month.  In Space News, the JWST checks out an asteroid belt comet that has lots of water and does not appear to come from where most comets arise. While closer to home a mysterious ultra low frequency noise has been detected in our atmosphere..While inside our heads a new study found that resotring certain signals in the brain that process smell can counter depression. Gamma signals in the olfactory bulb can alter emotions!

Our guest this week, visionary Paul GotelFor most of the show today we feature visionary explorer/DJ/ author/ speaker Paul Gotel and his concept of “Humans 3.0,” a vibrant, healthy, abundant view of humanity, and how we get there. His book is called, “The Big U - A guide to Self Revolution,” a guidebook offered to anyone who is “tired of living small” and is ready to “take the big step to revolutionize their life.”    And considering that both myself and Mrs. Future have been on global adventures with Paul to amazing places like UK crop circles and pyramids in Egypt, we whole heartedly appreciate his insights into the nature of how best to create a magical existence for us all on Earth while we are here. Enjoy!