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Entries in cinequest (2)


Future News - Report and Recommendations from Cinequest VR Festival, Blue Origin's New Glenn Heavy Lifter, Billionaire Investing in Singularity, Breakthrough in Revivication, VR pioneer Jean Yves Chainon on Social VR, A Closer Look at the WikiLeaks CIA Release

Listen Now to Future News 3.07.2017

We had a lot of fun this weekend attending the Cinequest Film and VR Festival in Silicon Valley.  Actually, we just attended the VR Fest..not that we don’t like films, its just that there was so much cool stuff with VR that we just didn’t have time for anything else!  So, the first part of today’s show is all about what we saw at the festival, with our recommendations.  At the 45 min mark, we ask VR creator Jean Yves Chainon about the future of social VR and who is in that world.

We also spent a considerable amount of time exploring the Vault 7 Wikileaks releases on the CIA and their Year Zero exploits this week. What a treasure trove with lots of implications! Listener Col Terry called in to remind us how serious this breach is..What do you think?  Enjoy..


Future News - AI Bixby Debuts, Mark Cuban and Bill Gates on Robots, Jobs, and Taxes, Silicon Valley's Upcoming Cinequest Film & VR Festival, Dr. Bruce Damer's first-hand report on NASA's choice for the next Mars Rover

Listen Now to Future News 2.21.2017

Lots of great news this week, from a new AI on Samsung gear to getting the robots to pay taxes.  If that idea takes off, you can thank Bill Gates for that!  For today’s show we spoke with Kendall Stevens, about the upcoming Cinequest Film and VR Festival in Silcon Valley next week.  We are particularly curious about how cinematic storytellers will be using the new medium of VR and 360 video, and asked Kendall to tell us a bit about the productions they will be featuring. 

We finish up the news segment of our show with a fresh report from Dr. Bruce Damer on his presentation to a gathering of 260 scientists at the Jet Propulsion Labs last week, deciding where the next Martian rover will land to look for signs of life. Bruce was happy to report that his team’s choice of Gusev Crater is one of the final three choices that the NASA scientists as a whole have chosen, originally from a field of over 30 landing sites. If his site wins, they will be looking for life in an old Martian hot springs, back when it was warm.  Enjoy!