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Future News - Adventures at the SC MiniMaker Faire, Kevlar space habitat inflated,The Light Flash Mystery of the Colliding Black Holes, Monarch Butterfly Navigation under scrutiny, Hawking's Mission to Alpha Centuri,The Navy's fleet of Mother drone subs, Mutants under study  

Listen Now to Future News 4.19.2016

The Santa Cruz MiniMaker Faire was indeed a fun experience for all who attended.  Not having to brave the traffic and long lines of the big Maker Faire was a relief, and it twas truly enjoyable.  And for those of you into space, the inflatable space habitat is almost ready for human inhabitation! From there you’ll be watching those black holes colliding and feeling the weightlessness of the experience! 

And back home, our Monarch butterflies are on the flutter march to Northern territories, and we’ve figured out how they do it!  Tune in..

The Mystery of the Monarch’s Navigation is almost solved.


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