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« Future News - Adventures at the SC MiniMaker Faire, Kevlar space habitat inflated,The Light Flash Mystery of the Colliding Black Holes, Monarch Butterfly Navigation under scrutiny, Hawking's Mission to Alpha Centuri,The Navy's fleet of Mother drone subs, Mutants under study | Main | Future News - More on Tesla 3, Blue Origin Launch and Landing Success, Facebook's Blind Engineer, Planet with Three Suns in Sky, DARPA's Drone Ship, Arousing Robots, First Synthetic Bacterium, Drug Replicator »

Future News - Kepler Awakens, Chat Bots debut, Mini Maker Faire Happening,Peter Cushing Resurrected, Drone Ocean Rocket Lander details, North Pole heads East, Dark Side of Moon Plays well with new Star Wars flick, Exoplanet Biosignatures, MRIs on LSD, New data about illegal drugs,Newton's Alchemy Revealed 

Listen Now to Future News 4.12.2016

We had so many great stories this week, we skipped any guests and went to town with the news. Lots of fun repartee with Mrs. Future and our listeners.  How do  you detect biological life in other star systems? What’s happening with the North Pole?   How has the Dark Side of the Moon re-emerged with The Force Awakens?  What are the basic fictions of drug abuse? How do the SpaceX drone barges do their thing so well? What’s up with Newton and Alchemy? These and many other questions explored on this week’s Future News! Enjoy..

Depiction of a Dyson Sphere, an advanced way of harnessing the energy of a star.


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