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Future News - Sun Reviews VR Gem "Dear Angelica" while AL visits ISS, Dragon Delivers Science Experiments, Matrix Reboots, Buzz on Mars, A Radical Rethink of the Brain, Nanowire Retinal Implants, Russians, Lies, and Political Intrigue

Listen Now to Future News 3.21.2017

It’s Mrs. Future’s birthday today and we see “Hamilton” after the show! (which was fantastic). We also had a whirlwind trip to LA and back, where among other things we had a chance to check out some of the latest VR titles, including “Dear Angelica,” and a little tour of the International Space Station. This dovetails nicely with the reboot of the Matrix film and the just released Mars tour by astronaut Buzz Aldrin!

We also discuss the newest bioengineered retinal implant and look at a radical rethink of how the brain works, while fielding input from some of our favorite callers, delving more into Trump, Russians, alternative health, and beyond!  Enjoy..





Special Event Show - The Futures Cover Bernie Sanders on his Visit to Santa Cruz

Listen Now to Bernie Sanders Visit to Santa Cruz

In case you are wondering, no we didn’t get Bernie on The Dr. Future Show.  But what we did do was get our radio station, KSCO, to cover Bernie’s talk in Santa Cruz live, which happened to be at the same time as our show..Well, mostly the same time.  He started speaking at 1:30 p.m. and our show starts at 2:00 p.m. So, you’ll hear a little bit of Charlie Freedman show, which is on just before ours.

The lines were very long, people were lining up at 7 a.m. and not admitted to the stadium until 10:30 a.m., after a big Secret Service sweep.  We got in right after the sweep, thanks to the police chief who loves us, and were on the air live as Bernie spoke. After the show, we rushed back to the KSCO studios to finish the show, taking commnets from callers.

So, for this week, we present you with our live coverage of Bernie’s talk, which included many significant elements from his platform, followed by callers, who wanted to comment about his speech.  All in all, it was a very good day, and show. Enjoy!


'Mythic- Voyage of the Kinship' new TV Series Launching. Getting Mythic in Santa Cruz! Meet the inspired creator, Kiah Dorius.

Listen Now to Kiah Dorius with AL & Sun (aka Dr. Mrs. Future)

Years, some say centuries in the planning, a new TV media series, sourced from a Santa Cruz based filmmaker and artist Kiah Dorius and her talented karass of mythic characters, is kicking off this week with an inspired Indie Go Go Campaign and soiree for cast, crew, family and early funders.

What is Mythic?

Kiah describes a show where the characters have a mythic version of themselves in another world, living larger than life adventures and in some way communicating with their normal selves the lessons learned in this world. Films like the Wizard of Oz have touched on this idea, but she intends to explore the mythic worlds and their attendant lessons of life further, with a cast of characters to which we can relate.

Will we be able to relate? Well, consider that  being normal in Santa Cruz is what passes for mythic in Kansas, and we have quite a range for engaging stories. While on the air with us, she describes some of the characters and plot lines.

Kiah while on The Dr. Future ShowWhat does it really mean to say ‘follow your dreams’ to others? With Kiah, it means discovering your mythic self.

We asked her for a little tour of these mythic realms she is birthing (crowing phase now). She was delightfully entertaining and profound.   Enjoy and if inspired, please help her birth this baby!






News & Views - 50th Anniversary of Can You Pass the Acid Test? Hacker ISIS Trolling Day, Death by Rollercoaster, Fish Emotions, Secrets & Lies & a Search Engine

Listen Now to News & Views 12.08.2015

Santa Cruz was abuzz with the still living Merry Pranksters for the 50th Anniversary of the very first acid test this weekend, with some amazing parties. Quite amazing, from which we’ll be posting some video shortly.

Our callers largely shaped the scope and content of today’s news segment, as we discussed the latest plans of the hacker group, Anonymous, and their plans for an ISIS Trolling Day, a plan for a roller coaster that kills with ecstatic experience, evidence that fish may feel, a new search engine that spawned some discussion on secrets and lies, an AI lie detector, and some talk about the memes we kick around on talk radio related to religion. Enjoy!


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