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Future News - Flying on Mars, Taylor Barcroft on Apple's latest iPad Pros, iMacs, etc., Anon update on Bitcoin and Crypto currencies  

Listen now to The Dr.Mrs.Future Show 4.20.2021

Now that we have flown on Mars, what about Venus, and other places in the solar system that have atmospheres, like Titan, a moon of Jupiter? Well, that’s exactly what NASA is thinking and we’ll tell you what we know.  Meanwhile, Apple  announced their Spring offerings, a new iMac, iPad Pro, iPhone 12 in purple, AirTag, and Apple TV, and we have our Apple tracker, Taylor Barcroft in the studio to tell us all about it.

And in the last hour we take a closer look at the what’s going in the cryptocurrency world with Bitcoin, Dodgecoin, Etherium, and NFT (non fungible tokens) as values appears to be going through the roof of late.  What’s happening, is it a good time to invest, divest? We bring in ‘Anon’, our friendly crypto trader, to help sort things out. Enjoy!



Future News and Views - Crypto update, speed of time, Picard and Q, StarShip 11 explosion, Martian Meteor analyzed, Ingenuity's first pic, housing insanities,

Listen Now to Future News and Views 4.6.2021

If you check our links page this week, you’ll find lots of interesting topical stories. But when hosting talk radio, we often find that the public has it’s own mind, and this show is a fine example.  The topics of crypto currency, the nature of time, Picard and Q, and our housing crisis were all audience driven and very engaging for us. Enjoy!


Future News and Views - Fusion Breakthrough, Digital Doppleganger, Corona Virus Update, Extinction Rebellion Interview

Listen Now to Dr. Future Show 2.25.2020

It’s funny how opposites attract..As the Corona Virus gets worse and our species health is threatened on a global scale, we have a breakthrough in one of the most challenging fields, fusion power, promising unlimited energy for us all.

Fusion breakthrough via HB11 Hydrogen Boron reaction

And as the climate crises intensifies, we have groups like Extinction Rebellion appear, pulling out all stops on protecting the health of our planet, despite ourselves.  On today’s show we interview two local representatives from this global environmental action oriented movement, Ami Chen and Linda Marin. Oh, and did I say, lots of callers? Yes, a controversial show guaranteed to keep your attention (especially while doing other things). Enjoy!

Ami Chen and Linda Marin of Extinction Rebellion, Santa Cruz


Driving on the Moon's Far Side, Juno's Fiery Volcanoes, CES updates, Orbiting Bennu, Orca's Speak, Dr. Duncan McCollum on Intermittent Fasting, Corrina McFarlane on the Wisdom Council for the Rail Trail. 

Listen Now to The Dr. Future Show 1.08.2018

Happy New Year dear friends and fans! We have lot of Future News to share for our first show of the year, stories from the Moon and Jupiter, including studio guests Dr. Duncan McCollum on his new program for maximum health now, intermittent fasting, and guests Corrina McFarlane, Jim Rough, and Ryan Sarnataro on the upcoming Wisdom Council on resolving the issues of Santa Cruz’s Rail Trail, a 32-mile rail corridor that could become a multi-use trail. Enjoy!

 The active volcanoes of Jupiter’s Moon Io


Future News - Lava Tunnels on the Moon, AT&T, Apple and Google Collaborate for Puerto Rico Communictions, Delphi buys Nutonomy, Alpha Go Zero Beats all Masters with No Training, Living Electronics Breakthrough

Listen Now to Future News 10.24.2017

In disaster coverage, good news from Puerto Rico, where the island is getting some innovative communications, thanks to teamwork between AT&T, Apple and Google.  Project Loon has launched their communications balloons over the island, Apple has turned on Band 8 for their LTE equipped phones and the signals are being meshed through the AT&T network in Puerto Rico.  Exciting success! 

Moon Base Alpha Go ZeroMeanwhile the AI Alpha Go Zero is now learning without prior teaching and absorbing of prior knowledge, learing as it goes in playing the game GO, with phenomenal success, Duke scientists are growing electronic circuits using programmable self-assembling bacteria and massive lava tubes have been discovered on the moon, potential candidates for an underground base there. Enjoy!!