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90 Future Now Show - Reverse Aging, Bat Blood in Hibernation, Gamma Rays in Farming, Humanoids in History, Orca Fish Fashion Returns, Alzheimer and the Brain's Immune System, New Lizard Origins

Listen to 90 Future Now

 We are on the road in Santa Fe, NM  for today’s show, with our science correspondent, Bobby Wilder, in San Francisco. We also have our AI hosts, “Larry and Mary,” discuss evidence of reverse biological aging, something they seem fascinated by, despite their non-biological origins. Our caller suggests that Larry may be based on the voice of Leo Laporte, a popular tech talk show host in the Bay Area. We are investigating..

Other stories this week indicate that humanoid robots, formerly known as androids, are on the rise, especially in health care, bat blood may be useful in creating human hiberation, Gamma rays may help our farmers, Alzheimers may be an autoimmune issue, and a select few Orca whales in the Northwest have adopted an arcane sense of fashion! Enjoy..

Orca carrying a salmon on its head



89 Future Now Podcast - Dragonfly to Titan, Cybertruck Recalls, Feathered Drone takes flight, Direct brain control of robot arm, Cellular Satellite, Cocoa for Stress, Fat Cells Remember, Forbidden Planet Remake 

Listen to 89 Future Now

 Welcome to our Thanksgiving week podcast.  We are on the road to Santa Fe to visit family, but at the last minute we were able to create this week’s offerings.  Exciting times ahead in exploring Saturn’s moon Titan with a car sized rotocopter, and back on Earth a new drone based on a raptor is flying! Cybertrucks have recalled 6 times now, but this doesn’t seem to phase buyers..Why not? Well..we tell you the surprising answer!  

And for the stress of the holidays, don’t forget the Cocoa, which has many benefits, including stress reduction.  But beware, fat cells have memory, especially after a diet, and tend to want to regain their happy fat status!  And nostalgically, the classic SciFi film, ‘Forbidden Planet,’ is finally being remade with modern special fx, etc. Oh boy, the ancient ones known as the Krell are rising once again!  Happy Thanksgiving!



88 Future Now Podcast - StarShip Delivers, Autonomous in LA LA Land, Student Rodent Drivers, Seeing through the Smoke, Predictive Policing and Body Cams, Tired of Needles? Try Leach Tech..

Wouldn’t you know, Starship 6 takes off during our show, so naturally it’s in our lineup today! And heads up if Starship 6 successfully launches to space from its Texas are looking for an inexpensive DIY way of running your home on solar!  Waymo is in the news with LA now being served by their autonomous robot taxis! Its nice to be driven about, but this week we also pay homage to those who enjoy the act of driving, which, surprisingly,  goes beyond our species; it turns out rodents enjoy driving as well! And then there is the turtle on a skateboard..
And who says our upcoming humanoid robots need exactly the same senses as us, especially when they can have Pano Radar, enabling them to see clearly through smoke, fire, and fog. If one day my robot needs to rescue me from a wildfire, I’d want hir to see clearly what she is doing!  
The ethics of predictive policing are up again, this time in the context ofTurns out rodents like to drive! photo-Greg Panos analyzing data from thousands of police bodycams.  The data may help us predict who and where crime may occur, but at what cost to our privacy?  And do you have a fear of needles?  
Or how about some AI headphones that can put you in a sound bubble, enhancing what you want to hear around you, excluding what you don’t?
There’s a new blood draw in town, more like a leech than a mosquito in its approach to collecting our precious bodily fluids! It works great, and kinda ‘sucks.’ Enjoy..
New leech-like device to suck blood for sampling instead of needling

87 Future Now Show Podcast - Open Source Humanoids, Lunar Samples, Mystery Satellite moves, Tractor Beam like Optical Tweezers, Captagon use impacts Middle East, Trump's Robot Dog, Surgeon robot learns by watching Youtube movies, service robots learn to please us and scrub toilets through example.

87 Future Now Show Podcast - Robots!

87 Future Now Transcript

As much as 2024 is the rise of AI, it looks like 2025 will be the year humanoid robots come into their own. robot learns by watching and assisting human surgeonOpen sourcing the hardware and sofware will certainly speed up the creation of these service robots; its interesting that the academics in China are leading that movement.  And it’s also fascinating that the robots are learning not just by doing, but by watching and imitating humans performing tasks and operations, like good students..

It looks like the Chinese are also making samples of their lunar soilrobot learns by watching and imitating collection available to worthy parties, relevant because their samples are from where we want to go, the South Pole of the moon.  And more success in the use of stem cells in restoring human vision for those suffering from damaged corneas!  Enjoy!

Stem cell treatment repairs damaged cornea



86 Future Now Show - Election High/Low Lights, Fav Propositions, Planet of the Mice, ISS Voting, Dwarf 3 new giant among amateur astrophotographers/UAP Hunters, Fun with new AI Agent, NASA Lunar South Pole Landing Sites Chosen  

Given where we are how could we not have our version of an election show? Well, we did include some election stories, but with results (from the future, of course!) And a talkative AI to help us with the finer points.  And a story on how the astronauts on the ISS got their votes in on time, without resorting to paper ballots! 
The Dwarf 3, the world’s smallest smartest telescope so far!
Also highlighted this week is our AI ‘Larry and Mary” story on stem cell hybridization of our species; also a look at the Dwarf 3, a $500 smart telescope that blew us away with it’s portability and quality shooting of the cosmos, and a look at NASA’s choice of Lunar South Pole landing spots for the manned Artemis III mission coming up in a few years.  Enjoy!
Artemis III Moon Landing Regions