Future News - NASA Missions update, Billboards in Space, Hearing Earth's Magnetic Field, New Twitter, COP27 update, Red Hydrogen vs Lithium Ion Power

Listen Now to Dr. Mrs. Future Show 11.01.2022 Free Speech
The first hour has lots of space news, with the launch of the Falcon Heavy launching top secret Space Force sats on board, detecting asteroids when in the glare of the sun, discovering water at the Martian equator, revealing the major Earth methane super-emitters from detectors on the ISS, and tentacle robots for dexterity.
The second hour was more about issues surrounding freedom of speech, with lots of call-ins, and discussion of Elon Musk’s take over of Twitter, and the related Pelosi incident in SF. How we actually practice freedom of speech was a big part of the discussion, including the freedom to be racist, given maximum respect to others. We also discuss the new freedom of expression allowed by having many more sources of news and response than ever before, thanks to the internet. Enjoy!
Listen Now to Dr. Future News 9.17.13
A fun news week, hence our expanded edition coverage of what’s new, exciting, and adds to a brighter future!
A couple of notes on this show…with the launch of the Cygnus supply ship to the International Space Station this week, we see the beginning of private enterprise competition in space, as the second private company. Orbital Sciences Corporation, enters the foray with SpaceX. This will be fun to watch, as more and more players play in space!
And speaking of competition in new spaces, we discuss GM’s latest foray into electric vehicles, with plans for a car that challenges Tesla in terms of range (200 miles per charge), for half the cost. We do point out that Tesla is not standing still, with evidence showing that they will be adding autonomous driving to their vehicles in the near future! But come on, you gotta try to keep up, GM!
And in the computer world, we discuss Apple’s new fingerprint sensor, and potential ways to fool it, like lobbing off someone’s finger to access their data, as we’ve seen in so many shows and movies. Apple has thought about this, and have a solution…
As Twitter prepares to enter the investment world with it’s upcoming IPO, we thought it to be a good time to look at some of the significant moments that Twitter has brought us since it’s inception. If nothing else, it has proven to be a great breaking news and group organization tool, especially useful in this day and age. Have you discovered the power of your Tweets yet?
And what’s this about Estrogen? Turns out male aging processes, like belly fat and libido drop, can be directly attributed to this typically perceived female hormone. Considered by many as a major scientific advance, we now realize that Estrogen is not just for the feminine anymore. We now know that we need both the big E & T (testosterone) to feel whole..go figure..
Dr. Future Feb 15th, 2011 Listen
In the news hour, we discuss the use of social media for creating social change in the Middle East, including Twitter use by the U.S. State Department directed to Iranians. We also look at a new scheme for taking down the internet, the IBM Watson computer vs. Humans in playing Jeopardy, and a new way to peer into the human body using astronomy tech. We also briefly touch on a new game-changing technology that allows us to grow meat in a vat rather than killing animals.
In the second hour we have guests via Skype in Vilcabamba, Ecuador, an ex-pat community known for its exceptionally healthy environment. Our host in South American is Agent Stephane Sutton, there to investigate the scene. She intros us to Keith Lampe, aka Pondo, one of America’s original hippie activists, historian and change agent, now living in Vilcambamba. He brings us up to date on his considerable activities there, which can be followed via his email missives. You can reach him via his website:http://www.usa-exile.org/ , where you can subscribe to his daily newsletter.
We also chat with Dennis “Galen” Mitrzyk, a journalist and ex-Palo Altoan, who recently moved to this Shangri-La community. He recently co-created and facilitated ~ 10.20 NutopiA 20.10 ~ an Aquarian Gathering of the Rainbow Warriors, a 13-day conference which was attended by people from around the world interested in co-creating a world where people are free to pursue life, liberty, and happiness
Our second call to Vilcabamba introduces you to scientist and ex-astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary, who just finished a new book on energy, entitled “The Energy Solution Revolution.” He speaks to us about alternative energy and a new documentary about oil and saving the Amazon rainforest in which he is featured, entitled “Yasuni - two seconds of life.”